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Poolstock Cof E School


Poolstock C of E School 1958
Poolstock C of E School 1958
Photo: Kath Gerring
Views: 4,863
Item #: 22388
Class of 1958

Comment by: Katd on 17th January 2013 at 10:30

Mr. Horrocks (back row) Stanley Mapson, Frank Rigby, Denis Melling, Cedric Fairclough, John Measey, Tom Clark?, David Gwilliam, ?, Mr Sharrock
Centre row Raymond Fletcher, ? , Ken Hodgekiss, Doreen Parkinson, Kathleen Gibson, Jean Finch, Ian Young?, Frank Reid, Graham Burrows,
Front row, Joan Long, Doreen Jolley, Glenis Porter, Janet Hazelden, Marilyn Wood, Sheila Hogan?, Linda Pritchard, Kathleen Bretherton, Ann Wood Apologies to anyone whose name I've got wrong.

Comment by: tommy fazackerley on 24th January 2013 at 21:28

i remember most of these names and faces.tommy faz is the lad back row far right.

Comment by: alan wink on 9th February 2013 at 14:18

hello tommy faz you are the guy who worked at taylor's carpets in miry lane ? if so do you recall brian burton bro derek ,fred thier dad i was latex and foaming shed if so hope you are keeping well.

Comment by: Stanley Mapson on 15th February 2023 at 20:28

Nice to see all those faces again, Talking to Frank Reid last week, sti;;;ooks the same.

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