Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan
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Wigan Album
Lower Ince
Old G.C. Railway
Photo: Bill Eatock
Photo: Bill Eatock
Views: 3,301
Item #: 22322
Item #: 22322
After closure, this section became flooded. Photo taken early 1990s - just before the bridge looking towards Hindley south.
Comment by: aitch on 4th January 2013 at 10:21
I fired on both those lines at one time or another, the track crossing was eventually the line into the wagon works, and thompsons scrap yard, originally it went to the top place steel works, and the GC line always flooded, but not to the extent that you see on the photo, the bridge where the line is crossing was the worst, at times even flooded in summer, it seemed to hold water at all times, even tody it is still there and flooded and home to some of the biggest rudd I have ever seen.
Comment by: Colin Harlow on 5th January 2013 at 20:20
Another line also went over these two tracks, carried by a large girder bridge, the Pemberton loop.
Comment by: aitch on 5th January 2013 at 23:18
Agreed Colin, but that was one line I never worked on, although when I was cutting locos up, I worked by the side of it.
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