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Wigan Rugby Team
23 CommentsPhoto: Scholes Malc
Item #: 22279
Well known? You ARE joking, Scholes Malc...aren't you???
Jarvo, read the posting "well known locals". If you read more carefully instead of jumping in too quickly with your misinformed comments you'd get less grieve.
Lord only knows where you're finding these pictures Malc,I know a few :
Tracey Grundy front left, Ronnie Braithwaite and Dave Walsh back right , might be Ged Dickinson next to Walshy ?
is it Nicky Kiss holding the trophy (right) with Billy Williams above him ?
I feel I should know more of these
ray farnworth far left, keith mills 4th left back row.
Just below Keith Mills, Mick Nanyn. You can only see his face.
Is that Alan Greenall front right? Anthony Murray and Mick Nanyn either side of trophy I think. Alan Ratcliffe on the left holding bottle maybe.
holding shield - on right is it Ness Flowers and on the left the name of 'Kolias' keeps coming to mind but I stand to be corrected?
Come to think about it, Malc. I do remember Wigan signing a player named George Kolios.
i think YT is correct with Murray holding shield (and others as well)
bottom right Malcolm Smith?
Back: third from right Kev Swan?
Kevin Egan at the side of Ray Farnworth.
Derek Hitchen kit man at the side of Keith,behind shield.
Is Dave Walsh the dad of Keith Walsh?
Brendan Mcloughlin,Tony Murray,Billy Williams,Ness Flowers
Who did they beat in the final? I went that game. think I was ten years old....
Widnes......& I was ....errr....8!
8? and the rest
Ray Farnworth,?, Billy Shaw,Derek Hitchen,Keith Mills, Ged Dickinson, Dave Walsh,Ronnie Braithwaite, Alan Ratcliff, Brendan Mcloughlin, Tony Murray, Mick Nanyn, Dave 'billy' Williams, Ness Flowers, Alan Greenhall, Nicky Kiss (top of his head at the bottom), Geoff Norris, Malcom Smith.
nicky kiss, billy williams and mal smith... all number 9's, when hooking was hooking
Looks like Big Danny Campbell not Tony Murray to Me .
Ray Farnworth,John trundle Billy Shaw,Derek Hitchen,Keith Mills, Ged Dickinson, Dave Walsh,Ronnie Braithwaite, Alan Ratcliff, Brendan Mcloughlin, Tony Murray, Mick Nanyn, Dave 'billy' Williams, Ness Flowers, Alan Greenhall, Nicky Kiss (top of his head at the bottom), Geoff Norris, Malcom Smith.
Hi All, what an awesome photo this is I’m a niece of Anthony Murray was just wondering any of you could contact me? Would love to ask some questions about my Uncle and his time playing for Wigan. Thanks