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1 Comment![Iron Bridge 1981](/album/3/0ooy3kby.jpg)
Iron Bridge 1981
Photo: David
Photo: David
Views: 3,382
Item #: 22152
Item #: 22152
40 185 passes under the old iron bridge just after leaving Wigan Wallgate. This was a special returning to the Eastern Region from Southport 20 July 1981.
Comment by: cullie on 23rd December 2012 at 10:01
sunday mornings wont be the same again looking at this piccy.40185 leaving wallgate stn i'd like to bet the whole of wallgate vibrated to hell when this beast pulls out of the tunnel you can still hear it's whistling turbo now as it gives some serious thash n clag gggggggrrrrrrrrr mega beast gggggrrrrrrrrrr happy days indeed. note the old per-way cabin been in there once or twice when my dad was based at wigan . ggggggrrrrrrrrr great shot dave
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