Wigan Album
Wigan Girls' High School
7 CommentsPhoto: David
Item #: 22140
Does anyone know what happened to the special chair the head is sitting in. It used to be on the stage at the old school.
I think I recognise 2 of the teachers from my time at the High school. I left in 1961 and Miss Bennett was our French teacher and she is 2nd from the right and also Miss Allen who was one of our english teachers and she is 5th from the right.
Hi Sue
This is pre Mrs Savigny (Miss Holland)... maybe that will help someone date it... and I do not recognise any of the girls on here.
I do recognise 3 other teachers...
Miss Israel, German Mistress 6 Right
Miss Darbyshire Maths Mistress.. she hated me!!!! 4R
Miss Cutland PE mistress. shared a house with Miss Allen 6L
I recognise Miss Holmes 4th from the right I think.She taught Latin and Ancient History. I remember she was in tears when the news of the death of King George came through.
Is the lady wearing a hat, Miss Maybury who used to teach music and play the piano in assembly?
Hi Tricia Think they all hated me!!!! Especially Miss Allen and Fanny Bennett. I also think I am trying to knock a year off my age as it was actually 1962 when I left. Oh well suc h is my age!! Will email you tomorrow. have a good Christmas.
Hiya Sue
I was going to email you re the date!!!! Been in UK , no time to see you .. will explain all
Tx Off Topic!!!!!!! sorry guys