Wigan Album
Town Centre
Photo: Stuart
Item #: 21839
This was when Wigan town centre was a great place to shop in..all gone now...I used to love the place, sadly I don't any more,progress is one thing..ruination is another...my opinion I know but that's how I feel.
A touch of airbrushing on this postcard, i doubt in real life earlly 70's Wigan you could see lush green rolling hills aove Woolworths!
This is how I remember it!!! I used to catch the no. 5 bus just by the toilets to go to Graham Farm terminus at the top of Pepper Lane, lovely memories I have and so nice to see them again. Thankyou Stuart, cheers!!!
seem to be more people in this photo than you would see in aweek today . sooner have it before all so called grand this un thats.
Alan, it is called progress, the young folks of today seem to get bored with the old ways. There always has to be something new to keep their interest and in the process all the old memories that we held dear get destroyed. The debate is that we have to go forward not sit in the past, for us it is seems silly, if it's not broke don't fix it!!! Cheers.
Wigan was always busy in those day, the shops were smaller and there and probably fewer of them but they sold what you needed or wanted, not seems the same nowadays.
Fully agree Wigan town centre isn't as welcoming as it was before all this so called "progress" Not many empty shops then but no internet as well! Great to see the corporation buses in there full coloured livery.
It brought back many beautiful memories of the old Town Centre I used to walk the town Centre beat and did traffic control at the top of Walgate Joined the Wigan Borough police December 1968