Wigan Album
Argyle Street Council School
17 CommentsPhoto: John Whittle
Item #: 21420
Thats Kenny Churton dead centre light jumper, and Ezard Bowen back row 2nd left, they are a year older than me.
Back row from left to right Stan Roberts, Dave Bowen, Dennis Heaton, ? , Brian Heaton, ? Tony Palmer, ?
Middle row Alan Meadows, John Ferris, Brian Bithel,? , Kenny Churton, Jimmy Lockwood, ? , Dave Greenough, Brian Pilling, Front row Mike Wingrove , ? ,?,?,? Anabel Vary, Gloria Parr,?,?,?,?,?,
The back row, 1st from right is my late dad Jimmy Unsworth, the date will be 1960 because he left Christmas 1960.
Back row third from right is me. I am now living in Shevington. Bottom row, second girl from the right is Pauline something?
Not to sure but I think the first girl front row is Dorothy Fillingham
I remember now the girls name is or was Pauline Hurst
I can confirm that's Jimmy Lockwood in the middle row - it's my Dad!
hi it is Dorothy fillingham I was friends with her and Kathleen heaton at school they are a year older than me ,we lived in heraford rd .my mum worked in Hindley Woolworth on the biscuit counter
Front row, first girl on left, my cousin Christine Walker, from Danes Ave, Hindley. Still there
hi sorry that isn't me I came from Hereford rd .I cant remember if there was another Christine .but it isn't me and I cant remember her in danes avenue .was that in the park sorry about that my mum worked in Hindley Woolworth and I went to st johns church in Hindley .Christine
Middle row, third from left is that possibly my cousin Malcolm Prescott ?
That is me , far right second row. Good to see all those faces from the past. I now live in France.
Pauline Hurst is my cousin,sadley she has died now.
Hi Brian, nice to see your name pop up. Must be 45 years since we last met, hope you are keeping well.
Would anyone know the whereabouts of Dennis Heaton now?