Wigan Album
8 CommentsPhoto: RON HUNT
Item #: 21391
Definately Methodist / Weslyan school, Dicconson St, I have my class photo in exactly the same spot. Guess it would 62/63. Recognise some of the faces,only one I can put a name to is Margaret Bowdler Back row centre (dark cardigan)
Thanks Steve, problem solved. If there is anyone out there who is on this photograph, and would like it, Let me know.
This was taken in about 1965. the school was The Wesceylans Dicconson Street. I am in the front row 5th from the left.
The class was: 1st row seated from the left: Denise Higham, Andrew Hardman, Jill Livesey, Judith Sockett, Anne Bennett, Geoffrey Dunlop,Diane Butler, Alan Hurst, Helen Jones, Elaine Butler. Middle row from the left: John Ely, Peter Leyland, Jeffrey ?,Stephen Williams, Carol Lathom, Ann Craik, Nigel Davenport, Julie ?, Stuart Gaskell, Graham Gladwin. Back row from the left: Martin Williams, Peter Collins, Glen Hitchen, Carl Bannister, Margaret Bowdler, Judith Baggley, Eric Scrivens, David Grimshaw, Wendy Brown. Classmates (to my knowledge) who were absent on that day were Kathryn Birkett, Elaine Case, Ann Fletcher. Also apologies to Williams twins if I have them the wrong way round - they are identical twins.
Hi Anne if you want this photograph you can have it.
I recognised the wooden wall & clock straight away, The Wesleyan School, where I was a pupil back in about 1949/50. I lived with my Aunty & Uncle Bryson at the other end of Dicconson St. Think I described the inside of the school somewhere else on WW.
Just remembered: - Jeffrey's surname was Hesketh and Julie's was Walker. Thanks for the offer Ron but as you can probably guess, I already have the photo. For me that class and those years at the Wescleyans were just brilliant - why can't it be 1965 and I'm 9 again?!!
I went to Whelley School with Peter Leyland, so these children born 56/57. Sadly Peter passed away in his very early teens.
I am in this photograph with my twin sister, Elaine. Had some great times at this school,