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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Wigan Album


1 Comment

Bellingham Ladies Bowling Club.
Bellingham Ladies Bowling Club.
Views: 2,971
Item #: 21247
Photograph submitted by Marguerite Isherwood.
Photograph showing a group of ladies from the Bellingham Bowling Club. Lily Isherwood marked with a cross.

Comment by: josie on 10th October 2012 at 00:26

how wonderfully elegant are these ladies,i love this pic i was born in 1950 but i would love today to be like this !!!!!!!!!!!!! instead of all the hate and violence and ignorence of younger people today i want to live in a more gentle world where im'e able to let my child play out all day without worry ,walk alone up an ally or entry at night, go out for a drink and come home safe without question,and not get beaten to death by druged up drunken evil thugs for a laugh ,these people should be taken off the earth by the death penalty,i think it willllll come back soooooon, the sooner the better.

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