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Isherwood Family

1 Comment

J.H. Isherwood Advertising mirror, back
J.H. Isherwood Advertising mirror, back
Views: 1,605
Item #: 21245
This is the back of a small 2 1/2"dia. mirror Possibly given away to advertise J.H. Isherwood's hat shop.

Submitted by Marguerite Isherwood

Comment by: Kath Arkwright on 11th August 2012 at 13:28

I have a brass shoehorn which says 'Wear Leyland's Footwear estd 1887'. An old lady gave it to my aunt, telling her that it came from her grandfather's shop. Gordon thought it was more likely to be from their shop and vaguely remembered having seen one before. I didn't hand it over!

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