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Wigan Album

Town Centre


wigan town centre
wigan town centre
Photo: jeff yates
Views: 2,694
Item #: 21065

Comment by: Albert. on 20th July 2012 at 14:26

In the vicinity of where the main G P O is, or was, there was a "Martin's Bank". It was situated there in the 1940s, and was probably there in the 30s and 20s. I am fairly certain that this was the bank that Littlewoods Pools used for their financial transactions,in those days.

Comment by: Art on 21st July 2012 at 01:13

Williams Deacons Bank was at the side of the GPO (Bank Chambers.
Martins Bank was next door to the Crosskeys Hotel...now Moon Under Water, at the bottom of the Wiend (reddy-brown shiny tiles building) ;o)

Comment by: bill on 21st July 2012 at 13:59

I was sat outside the Berkley quare last saturday afternoon looking across to the Clarence ( now Harry's or Sam's or summat?) wondering how old that lamp was which hangs down from above the first floor window. Its in this picture, so its agood age, eh.

Comment by: Kenee on 23rd July 2012 at 15:27

Albert isn't the only one to confuse Deacons with Martins.

Martins is on the far left in this photo.

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