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Pit Brow Lasses


Nmbr 5 Pit , Aspull
Nmbr 5 Pit , Aspull
Photo: Dennis Seddon
Views: 2,964
Item #: 20571
My Grandmother, Jane Sutch 2nd left, at Nmbr 5 Pit Aspull about 1910.

Comment by: Maggie K on 1st May 2012 at 08:31

They were hard times. Look at the two boys at the front of the picture, I bet they didn't have time to board. Like the children who came from other areas last week and vandalised our planters.

Comment by: Maureen Andrews nee McGovern on 1st May 2012 at 13:11

The countless times I've said the same thing Maggie..there's no way would we want our children of today to work like those poor little kids but oh!!what a difference eh..I should imagine all they wanted to do was to get a decent meal and a good bed...they wouldn't have the energy to go and vandalise,not that I suppose they even wanted to..a different generation then.

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