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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Wigan Album



old wiganers
old wiganers
Photo: tony cunningham
Views: 4,851
Item #: 20234
I hope Andrew Fishburn does not mind me using his excellent photo.All the people are relatives of my wife and I, they all lived in Wigan and 95% were born here.I am very lucky to have so many old photos going back to the oldest photo of 1853 when she was born, and rather than put them on individually I thought I would keep them altogether so they could have a good night out in Wigan.

Comment by: penny2 on 17th March 2012 at 15:31


Comment by: Helen on 17th March 2012 at 16:17

A clever pic, well laid out...the people look as if they really a standing around. I like it.

Comment by: Maureen Andrews nee McGovern on 17th March 2012 at 16:50

That's brilliant Tony.

Comment by: irene.roberts on 17th March 2012 at 18:02

Brilliant! My daughter did one of Peter and I in our 1940s clothes, which we wear to re-enactments, looking as if we are standing in 40's Wigan. I will put it on.

Comment by: Rev David Long on 17th March 2012 at 18:11

Brilliant! You could have a little business doing that for folks - except I expect it took a bit of time.

Comment by: irene roberts on 17th March 2012 at 18:32

No luck! I've scanned my photo into My Pictures, but for some reason it won't let me upload it onto The Album, although I have done it before. No idea why.

Comment by: Colin Harlow on 17th March 2012 at 18:33

Very clever, I hope they all had a great time, well done Tony.

Comment by: irene on 17th March 2012 at 18:48

PS....Finally cracked it, (more luck than management!)

Comment by: tony on 17th March 2012 at 19:32

thanks for all your kind comments, it is time consuming but very relaxing as well, i think i'll take or orders roll up roll up lol

Comment by: Margaret Wall on 17th March 2012 at 20:42

Very skillfully done Tony. It's fantastic.

Comment by: Andrew Fishburn on 17th March 2012 at 22:56

Hey, Tony, great idea and well executed! Flattered that you used my pic as a backdrop - really enjoyed what you have done here. Thanks for sharing!

Comment by: Den S on 18th March 2012 at 00:36

Blimey!, how many Layers did this take Tony?. Well worth it though, a cracking image and a great idea.

Comment by: moodysue on 18th March 2012 at 10:13

I love this picture....

Comment by: rubyshoes on 18th March 2012 at 15:16

That's a very well dressed doorman.lol
A great photo, well done.

Comment by: josie on 18th March 2012 at 20:15

fantastic tony,its a lovely idea,my cousin gerry did a couple of me with my aunty, from 50s,hope your keeping well tony.

Comment by: peter on 18th March 2012 at 21:05

hi tony
i see Austin and Rose on the right hand side
done really well there

Comment by: Sheryl B on 19th March 2012 at 05:09

Gosh, I love this idea... now you've got me brainstorming!

Comment by: Carol on 19th March 2012 at 15:22

What a fantasic way of showing family photos. How long did it take?

Comment by: tony on 19th March 2012 at 16:56

josie how are you and alan keeping. a keeps gooin wit yed down.peter thanks for comments but dont forget tommy & sally. carol it does take a while but once you have cut out your subject it can be used on any backdrop its finding a gem like last orders by andrew fishburn ,its easier and helps if your subject is full length, half of my photo had no legs and arms missing, thats when it becomes a bit tricky.

Comment by: josie on 20th March 2012 at 19:17

hi tony me and alan are doing ok thanks, we have moved into a bungalow now been here 12 months we love it glad to hear your gooin wit yead down ha ha,

Comment by: Bill f on 20th March 2012 at 21:01

Is your dad on twice Tony?

Comment by: josie on 20th March 2012 at 23:00

tony ,id'e love to see it like that than what i see today, if you know what i mean.

Comment by: tony on 21st March 2012 at 12:26

he is bill one with mi mam and one in his overalls it funny really he work on the church in the late 50s doing a bit plumbering, on the roof repairing the lead flashing, in them days plumbering covered a wide range of jobs and he discovered dry rot in the eaves he also like a pint and i reckon he would have had a quick one in't pub with his snap, saying that bill you probably knew him better than i did.

Comment by: tony on 21st March 2012 at 12:51

josie one of the nurses that comes to me said her dad was on wigan world so i found it and she ask me if i could make it colour for her so i did, it was a wedding at st williams and you had posted it but i can't find it. i think it was the hilton family

Comment by: josie on 21st March 2012 at 21:26

tony,is she a hilton herself as i know a girl whos a nurse and she lives near us her mum married a hilton but the photos i put on are under wedding in the assorted contents hope you find it,the photos were my aunty and uncles wedding 1959 my uncle frank mawdsley married doreen hilton and he passed away a few months ago age 80.

Comment by: tony on 22nd March 2012 at 17:41

josie sorry to here about your uncle frank.the nurses name is cherlyn nee hilton i found the wedding photos, i just put your name in the search bar at the top of the page, its the first time i've used it, it found it right away.

Comment by: josie on 23rd March 2012 at 13:58

tony glad you found it but how can you make it in colour.

Comment by: tony on 23rd March 2012 at 20:11

josie i use a program called photodeluxe home edition 3.0 its an old program i've had for years i did get the updated version photoshop 6.0 but thats to complicated for me.your welcome to borrow it if you want ,you know where we live.

Comment by: josie on 26th March 2012 at 23:25

tony, i have no idea what all that means ha ha ,i have loads of photos i would love to see in colour,like one of my mam and dads wedding photo and a few others that would be amazeing in colour,is it a machine that you put your photos in and they come out in colour ?

Comment by: tony on 27th March 2012 at 21:06

josie its a program you download onto your computer its just like colouring in a colouring book keeping within the lines but its very time comsuming you send me just one photo and i will colourize it for you i've left my email

Comment by: josie on 29th March 2012 at 18:12

tony i cant seem to get into your email address its not letting me do it so i will leave you my email address as i wanted to ask a couple of questions about photo it might be better if you email me then i can just reply,thanks tony.

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