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Ball & Boot at Wembley


Ball & Boot, Wembley Trip - early 80's
Ball & Boot, Wembley Trip - early 80's
Photo: Wiganreds48
Views: 4,362
Item #: 19914
Spot the famous face

Comment by: Wigan RUFC Phototgraphist on 14th February 2012 at 18:11

Andy Greg, with a glass upto his face, or it's his bro, Bryn!

Comment by: Sam Bar on 14th February 2012 at 19:55

nowt to do with Wembley - that photos in the 'Boot'
famous face? its Danny Priest of course....oh and Andy Gregs on with his Barla jacket - he never had it off for two weeks
Wal & Crompy to right
Happy Days in the Boot - we took our wives out in them days!

Comment by: Wigan RUFC Phototgraphist on 15th February 2012 at 21:42

Andy Greg, with a glass upto his face, or it's his bro, Bryn!

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