Wigan Album
Woodfield School
11 CommentsPhoto: dave orrell
Item #: 19814
Second row standing, second in from left, looks like CM ("Tubby") Edwards to me, ex-Wigan Grammar and later Mathematics Don at Oxford University.
Would "Tubby" Edwards have lived in Trafalgar Road. Sounds like the son of my late and much loved neighbour "Dolly" Edwards, when we lived there quite a few years ago
Hi Dave,is Keith Thompson related to Bill Thompson,who lived in Broomhey Terrace,and did his Grandfather George, own Thompsons of poolstock.
I believe "Tubby" did in fact live in Trafalgar Road, I also think, but can't be sure that his father was a headmaster of a Wigan Secondary School.
I think I've just recognised Alan Halsall, who is named on the photo, I think he also attended Wigan grammar.
Back row 3rd from left Robin Leigh
Front row 3rd from left Mary Dobson
Front row 2nd from right Audrey Birchall
hi tom,yes thats the same kieth thompson.
As I recall Mrs Crawfords job was to prepare pupils for the 11+ at this small annex to the main school just near to the Plantations entrance gates. Although absent from the photograph I recognise many of these children as my classmates at Woodfield during what in retrospect seems a very happy time.
backrow, second form the left is Robin Leigh, my cousin
I think Laurence Bradshaw's father was a headmaster. Martin Edwards' father was Director of Education for the borough of Wigan. Thank you Kathleen for the id.
Nice picture! Re the previous comment, my Father was Head of Languages at Upholland Grammar School. The girl front row right was, I think, only there for a short while.....may have been called Angela Something? Amazingly I have lost touch with the whole lot! I wonder how many are still alive? I think the correct spelling for David "Goldson" was Goldstone.