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Wigan Album

Market Hall, Indoors


Inside Wigan Market Hall
Inside Wigan Market Hall
Photo: Part of Syd and Trevor Smith's Archive
Views: 2,987
Item #: 19159
Inside Wigan Market Hall, 1980s.

Comment by: horace on 14th December 2011 at 12:30

Wasn't there another stall called Moobs and Kenches round the corner?

Comment by: Al C. on 15th December 2011 at 10:26

Was this the stall where they used to have a gigantic ladies corset type garment hung outside as an advertising feature?

Comment by: Ron Hunt on 15th December 2011 at 14:02

Yep that's the stall. My wife's wearing them now

Comment by: StuartP on 17th December 2011 at 03:54

Boobs and Bulges - Fantastic Name!

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