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Mid week cricket league


Mid week cricket league presentation night
Mid week cricket league presentation night
Photo: Brian Actonl
Views: 2,895
Item #: 19050
Photo I found recently showing the prize winners for the mid week cricket league, when you starred for Spring View C. C. for a few years. Not sure but the presentation might have been in SVCC clubhouse, you might remember though.

Comment by: Brian Acton on 30th November 2011 at 19:28

Other players in the photo L to R. Mike Moran (Highfield)John Ashurst(Standish)Tony Jones (SVCC)Sponser Frank Highton, Alan Pheasant(Skem)Graham Marston,(Golborne)and Albert Bain (Dalton.

Comment by: tony j on 1st December 2011 at 10:26

hello brian, i'd forgotten about this photo, i think it was taken in spring view clubhouse, memory's gone !!

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