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Kwik Save Ashton in Makerfield


KwikSave Distribution Depot Ashton-in-Makerfield 1981
KwikSave Distribution Depot Ashton-in-Makerfield 1981
Photo: Colin Harlow
Views: 3,858
Item #: 18952
Colin Harlow and Geoff Schofield at the back of Kwiksave garage on a hot summers day. Sadly, Kwiksave is no more.

Comment by: Derrick Cunliffe on 20th November 2011 at 18:31

Colin,good photo of yourself and Geoff,what is Geoff saying
thil tek thi away int yellow van I wish we were both still
working with Goeff he was willing worker and a good laugh
remember when he painted that prop shaft?D.C.

Comment by: Colin Harlow on 20th November 2011 at 19:07

You never forget the good times Derrick, Geoff was the garage labourer among other things, I hope he doesn't mind me saying but point him in the right direction he did a good job. Like they say, no ones perfect and I'm a million miles from that. Yes I do remember the propshaft...but I think it's wise to give that a miss, I'm sure Geoff will thank me for that. I've not seen him for a few years, hope he's well.

Comment by: Janet Schofield on 16th May 2015 at 19:40

Geoff got married in 1991 and is doing well, now works at Wigan market

Comment by: Derrick Cunliffe on 16th June 2015 at 23:37

Janet. Glad to hear about you and Geoff getting married and
Geoff doing well are their any little Geoffreys yet all the
best to both of you D.C.

Comment by: Stan on 13th December 2022 at 18:06

Colin and Geoff beautiful times at Kwik Save. Have a long and happy retirement you deserve it Colin. Hope Geoff's doing well.

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