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Westwood Power Station Cooling Towers Demolition 1989
Westwood Power Station Cooling Towers Demolition 1989
Photo: Lawrence Thorpe
Views: 2,385
Item #: 18845
A photo taken in 1989 on the day of the demolition of the two 314 foot tall cooling towers at westwood,shortly before demoliton using explosives took place

Comment by: dave on 5th November 2011 at 23:10

i remember the day was a sunday an over slept.was running down crank line trying get to canal before they blow.got to cemetry an first 1 went down.

Comment by: fred foster on 6th November 2011 at 15:24

I videoed them as well as taking still shots, I was on the bridge at Little Lane and got real good pics.our grandchildren loved to watch them drop and then as the video was reversed, saw them built up again !!

Comment by: Baldylocks on 6th November 2011 at 23:01

It certainly was a sunday,i remember it well.
I`d been out in town on the beer the night before & had a hangover.

It was one of those mornings after,when even the rice crispies snap crackle & pop sounded like Bang,Bang & Bang.

Oh dear!!!,by eck i had yedwarch that morning,but i still went to see them get blown up.

Comment by: Rev David Long on 7th November 2011 at 21:56

I'm surprised no one has commented so far on this wilful destruction of Wigan's proud heritage....

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