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Wigan Subscription Bowling Club
6 Comments![Wigan Subscription Bowling Club, Official Opening of he Green (date unknown)](/album/5/lyagpyxy.jpg)
Wigan Subscription Bowling Club, Official Opening of he Green (date unknown)
Photo: Dave Cockrell
Photo: Dave Cockrell
Views: 3,509
Item #: 18800
Item #: 18800
The Mayor, or Mayoress in this case, traditionally opens the Green in the Spring each year. In this case it looks as though the weather may have been bad, hence the official photo being taken in the Bar. Has anyone got any ideas as to the date and any of the faces?
Comment by: Betty on 28th October 2011 at 19:56
Ethel Naylor mayor and Marrian Pratt mayoress.The mayoress was my auntie.The date would be the early 1970s.
Comment by: roy sturgeon on 28th October 2011 at 20:35
the man front row left to lady is councillor stan townley
Comment by: bowler on 29th October 2011 at 09:07
second right back tommy sharrock
David, Far right is Jack Ormesher. Next right is Tommy Sharoock and next right is Jack Fowler. Jimmy Bennett (talking to the Mayoress) would have been the President of the club for that year.
The Mayor was Ethel Naylor the First Lady of the old Wigan borough 1972 -1973 . My great grandmother or as we called her our other nana. I was also able to attend her wedding to her second husband in 1984 .
Comment by: Paul C on 30th November 2016 at 14:32
Mrs pratt was my sisters mother in law after she married jimmy , the mayoress attended the wedding both with full chains of office
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