Wigan Album
Bulldog Tools
3 CommentsPhoto: William Burgess
Item #: 18708
must be about 1997 just started putting new roof on were pilot plant was plus the new houses were the old flats were across from black bull pub were built about 95 so around that time
Both of these two pics are very interesting Mr Burgess, perhaps the first one for its age moreso. If you have any more, please put them on. Also, I would love a high resolution copy, to zoom in and examine for my own interest, if it's not a rude request.
Thanks for posting, I can make out the Crispin Arms where I lived until 1956, my grandmother's "street", Clarington Grove, which no longer has any houses left, running parallel to the touchline. This must have been the "view" the German Zeppelin on April 12th 1918 gained, although it was nightime, when they started to drop the first bombs on Wigan, trying to hit Top lock steelworks. Harper Street was hit, it is running parallel to the rugby posts, my great grandparents and grandmother 19 at the time, were living there, the windows were blown out, the glass killed the dog but the family hid under the kitchen table and were safe but two doors away the house was demolished by a bomb and the husband and wife were killed. 17 bombs were dropped that night, no warning was given, a total of seven were killed in Wigan.