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Ashton Police Station 1969
Ashton Police Station 1969
Photo: David Thompson
Views: 5,034
Item #: 18619
PC Keith McPhee, PC Albert Thompson, PC Frank ?????, PC Phil Mills, PC David Butler, PC Len Peters

Comment by: jondav on 7th October 2011 at 16:28

Thats a good trick by Frank, balancing his helmet at the back of his head.

Comment by: spectre on 7th October 2011 at 18:41

I think it's Frank Leigh almost certain he lived in St.Pauls avenue.

Comment by: grannieannie on 11th October 2011 at 07:38

Ah, the days of real uniforms!

Comment by: Dave on 11th October 2011 at 10:40

Yes grannieannie,and real police officers, with real training, and real discipline, and real supervision,and real presence on the streets, on foot patrol,whatever the weather, and the diligence to stop motorists from parking wherever they wish whenever they choose, on footpaths grass verges and yellow lines.etc, etc.

Comment by: Colin Harlow on 12th October 2011 at 09:17

Yes your right about the Police Dave, they have changed, the Heartbeat style of policing has now gone. Why, because people have changed, if a bobbie give your son a clip behind his ears (as they did in the 60s) for somthing he shouldn'd have done, the officer himself would end up in court. For me the biggest change is schooling, we did more hours and do wrong you got a good hiding off the teacher and then the headmaster. It's all about discipline and it should start at school with the help of parents.

Comment by: horace on 13th October 2011 at 09:58

What does a Policeman look like these days? All I've seen recently are those Clowns in bright yellow jackets with commumity officer stuck on the back strolling round in pairs having a chat. About as much use as a chocolate fire guard and just as big a waste of money. I caught a glimpse of what could have been policemen the other day though. About seven vehicles going like the clappers, sirens at full volume. No doubt rushing to detain a motorist for doing 5 mph over the speed limit. Take their vehicles off them an make them walk, we might see a bit more of them then.

Comment by: Bob (respect for the Police) on 13th October 2011 at 16:31

Looks like Horace don't like the Police...it could be he's been in trouble with them...he could be a disqualified driver...in my experience people who hate the Police so much is because they've been in bother with them. Oh and one other thing, who would you ring if someone broke in your house...yes the POLICE, enough said. The only clowns about is people who try and cause trouble with the police on Friday and Saturday nights out clubing.

Comment by: J Mills on 2nd November 2023 at 12:03

Phil is my late Dad. I'm so proud of this picture. Cheers Dave we didn't have this picture

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 3rd November 2023 at 15:24

Why is it that all Police Men (and women) looked far smarter, fitter and suited to the job in those days?

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