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Wigan Observer  Staff  Woods Street  era 1970s
Wigan Observer Staff Woods Street era 1970s
Photo: Colin Harlow
Views: 4,111
Item #: 18463
Happy Wigan Observer Staff face the camera, but what is the occasion? Derick Smith (centre) is holding a small pair of scissors in his right hand, has he just cut a ribbon to a presentation?

Comment by: Geoff Charnock on 16th September 2011 at 13:06

There are a few in this photograph who I don't recognise as Observer employees which leads me to believe this may be some kind of local union meeting and is possibly connected with the ending of the Wigan Branch of the NGA after it was regionalised and Wigan became part of a bigger area. I think the the chap third from right, whose name I don't recall was a local union officer and is being presented with an National Graphical Association gold lapel badge. As for names back row extreme right is Mick Capstick, don't recognise the four on the back row as Observer employees. At the front extreme left is Dave Martland, again I don't recall Dave working at the Observer but he worked in the print industry in the Wigan area, next to him in glasses is Frank Collins, man in light suit? next to him is Derrick Smith, behind Derrick to left Harry Parker and to right John Langton, the man next to Derrick I think was a union offical from the new branch, he is presenting the badge, I can't name the recipient and I don't hink he worked at the Observer but I am sure he was a union officer in Wigan, behind him in glasses Jimmy Mitchinson, next to Jimmy with moustache is Peter Fowler, Brian Perry and Harold Curless. Hopefully if I am right someone else may be able to confirm.

Comment by: Geoff Charnock on 16th September 2011 at 13:41

My apologies Mick Capstick is extreme left, not right.

Comment by: Mick on 16th September 2011 at 14:51

There another Martland on the photo I think is name is Frank

And is stood on a chair on the left.

Comment by: Frank Collins on 16th September 2011 at 15:37

I don't remember the occasion but the man receiving the medal was Bob Coote the branch president.

Comment by: Catherine on 16th September 2011 at 19:46

The second man on the back row just after the gap with the beard and moustache is Brian Ashurst who used to live next door but one to me.

Comment by: Ian Ashurst on 19th September 2011 at 08:22

The chap on the far left of the 'back 4' I believe is my Uncle, Brian Ashurst who used to work for the Evening Post I believe (not the observer) although I'm not 100% sure of this. Sadly Brian passed away some years ago.

Comment by: John Langton on 5th February 2012 at 12:43

This picture is of a presentation to Bob Coote President of the Wigan Graphical Society, I would say about 1976-77. Bob is being presented with a long service medal by Bryn Griffiths Northern Area Secretary of the NGA. The man in the light suit was Norman Taylor secretary of the West Pennine Branch of the NGA based in Bury, which Wigan had recently been amalgamated with around the mid 70's.

Comment by: Gary Heard on 8th November 2013 at 11:27

It is Bob Coote, he was My Grandad and sadly passed away a few years ago.

Comment by: Angela Curless on 11th March 2019 at 00:22

Great photo Harold Curless was my dad who sadly passed away in 87

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