Wigan Album
Photo: Mick
Item #: 18319
Officers with collar numbers beginning with 56 or 57 are Borough Officers.
Hi Mick my dad was the leading hand mechanic at Wigan he was with Wigan Borough from 1963 and then with lancashire and Greater Manchester till retireing in 1999 alot of the names on these list bring back memorys cheers!! Ian
Think 3 Pc,s later became Insp at Bolton Central in the 80,s. 5642 Winrow/ 5673 Ince and Aubry Fairclough 5714.
J Rudd - yes, Aubrey was promoted in late 1979, and went to Bolton. Prior to that I worked with him at Pemberton, where he was a Sgt.
DC 5716 Somers - anyone know his full name? just wondering if he is related.
Recognise a few names who i think moved over to Bolton on promotion, Meehan,Goulding,Meikle and Rawsthorn. May just be namesakes but a good possibility.?
Jennifer - DC 5716 Somers was Ken Somers, who I think may have been related to the Somers (sports) family.
JRudd - there were two Meehans (brothers) who served at Wigan, and I think both went to Bolton on promotion. Tom (5742) was promoted Sgt in the late '70s, and John (5736) promoted Insp in the mid '80s. The Goulding featured in the list resigned in the mid '70s.
Michael, I can only think that you had a sudden rush of blood when compiling this. What happened to the lads in the Pemberton Sub ?? You never even mentioned ME ??
Charlie - you are on the other page I posted on here, listed on the Maghull Traffic Group, together with John Lydon, Jack Tennant, Lol Connolly, and many other familiar names.
Chas - further to the above, all the Pemberton lads are (Ken Bridge, Walt Unsworth, etc) listed on the Wigan strength.
The list was compiled in 1969, after the Lancs Constabulary amalgamation, when Pemberton Office had been closed.
Sorry Mike,must have been me that had the sudden rush of blood. (Age, you know 79 yrs) You are right, I forgot that on amalgamation Borough Traffic was transferred to Maghull.
Mick, do you know if any more recent divisional or section lists exist. Its surprising,(to me anyway) just how many people we actually worked with over the years and don't recall them until we see their name in print.
Dave - I think I might be able to lay hands on an old list for Wigan Sub Div, circa 1980. Leave it with me, and I'll mail you with results, if any. Failing that, I can remember almost everyone who was at Pemberton in 1977 when it reopened. I'll type them out for you, when I've got a minute.
Thanks Mick, my grandad was Oliver Somers and my dad was Stan. Ken was actually my dad's cousin
I wonder how many of us are left now from the Borough days? I know of a few who I see at the reunions each year but the numbers are dwindling. Hard to believe that its over 40 years since that amalgamation changed things for a lot of us.
I used to work next door to the Wigan Police Garage in Darlington street in the early sixties, and remember well the officers Lol connolly, John Lydon, John Knipe, inspector Pat Hyde etc. A sterling bunch. Does anyone know if any of these great guys are still around? I have fond memories of those days as a young apprentice. I think it was these officers who gave me an enduring respect for the police.
What memories of a time when the Police really Policed and were respected I learned my trade at Wigan from some great characters most of whom were not politically correct but got the job done
Yes proud to serve with Wigan Borough police Force. Hope a few goodies remember me I have fond memories of most
I was at Pemberton Police station when it reopened and worked out of there for several years
I often wonder where everybody went to and where they are now
My dad was originally PC 41 at wigan then 5647 John Murphy he died in 2009 he was at pemberton before retiring if anyone remembers him
Went to borough reunion will there ever be another one.That thin blue line is getting thinner
Where have the years gone? I left when I was just 21, in 1969. 49 years ago!
Hi Mick I worked in pemberton in 1978 9 and remember a cheery pc with ginger hair think his name was Chris do you remember him I can't remember his collar number .
Can anyone help me with my father’s original Wigan Borough badge number?
My father was Joe Hall and he served with Wigan Borough Police from 1947 to 1969 when the force merged with Lancashire Constabulary. He finally retired in 1977 from Greater Manchester Police having served at Wigan, Skelmersdale and Ashton in Makerfield. Dad passed in 1997.
Hello Geoff, according to the list of officers at Wigan on 1/4/1969 your dad, Joe Hall, had the number 5621 allocated to him. His Borough No. was probably 11. Working through the sequence relating to both Borough and County forces. In wigan the numbers 1 to 30 were issued to Sergeants on their promotion from Constable. So your dad would have had another number higher than 30 when he first joined up. I am sadly unable to help with his original number as a Constable. Brandon Hilton ex PC59. Borough, Ex PC and PS5664 Lancs.
Thanks Brandon, much appreciated.
Tony Bate past on my father-in-law great chap towed me many stories missed by all RIP 27 9 1939 8 8 22