Wigan Album
greenough street
Photo: Fred Cunliffe
Item #: 18091
Where's the slum?
those houses today would have been refurbished no trouble at all far cheaper and better .could have been turned into little palaces.
What a sad photo. I agree that those houses would be refurbished today as would many more in that area.
I disagree, with todays traffic levels, if these houses were still in situ we would all be complaining about Greenough Street being too narrow and being stuck in gridlock all day, not just at peak times as now. I certainly wouldn't like to live in a house fronting directly onto Greenhough Street nowadays.
I wish they would have refurbished ours. Just two doors left of the picture. Moved in 1971.
The land on the right is where the'compound' used to be. This was the works department for building the flats in the area. They have all been demolished. THe houses in Greenough Street would have out lived them too!!!!!
Does anyone remember the little Ice Cream parlour half way up on the left? You could get served through the window directly on to the street as well.
Dave c - that was Lewis's -spent many a happy hour in there- Phylis & Hilda used to serve us - Ice cream with Vimto on!
Oh yes! Always open on walking days! Hilda would serve the ice cream, Phylis in the shop, serving tea! Mum, and Hilda great friends: found out years later, I was named after her son: Tony Savori . Not forgetting Auntie Joan: Tony Bennett, all name after each other!!!!
Phylis lived in Worsley Mesnes: walked to Hilda's everyday!!!
What a lovely memory for you Tony. Also, I didn't realise you had connections to the 'Ice Cream Dynasty'!!! I wonder if they all went in the 'Dust Hole' pub in Scholes! Now that's an old one...if anyone remembers!
neil try living on poolstock lane you need a visa to cross the road its that busy.
You mean the Rose and Crown opposite The Windmill
I didnt like Andrews comment some of the old houses were lovely inside and kept very clean theres a lot worse places today
I used to go to the doctors on Greenough St. Dr. Johnsons, you could just go and see Dr. Gary in the cubby hole, was embarassing when no-one wanted to go see him and he used to be stood there with a full surgery all waiting to see Dr. or Mrs. Johnson x
Not sure if it was the Rose and Crown or not. I just recall my mum and dad commenting on it.
No,Ken,The Princess of wales,almost opposite the entrance to Calderbanks scrapyard.
Those car must have a good handbrake.
Hello! I left these houses with my parents 40 years ago today: what a laugh!!!!!! To houses of the future! To say they were 'upside down' is something else!!!!
Lovely to see old greenough st again . my Grandma had the chippy just up from Turner st. Happy days
Forgot to say . Everyone Knew Her As Mrs B
Yes I remember going to see Dr& Mrs Johnson in greeough street with my mum,there was also a paper printing place down the bottom on the corner just as you used to turn to go down the river douglas as i used to go in there and he would give me blank paper to draw on either on way to school or on way home,memories come flooding back
remember watching them demolish this row of houese we lived in orchard house sad times
sad pic iused to live in upper morris st till 1964,went down tother week u cant c nowt exept cars parked up.
yes my parents had entwistles hardware shop opposite lewis ice cream shop hilda used to very often give me an ice cream happy days
My grandmother lived in Vaughan Street. The whole area fascinated me. I doubt her house would have stood the test of time as it was crumbling. She had no bathroom and an outside toilet that froze up in winter. Seeing those pictures makes it seem like yesterday and reminds me even more of how the town centre was ruined by new development. On Saturday if Wigan rugby was at home you feel as well as hear the crowd roaring. Sad.
Harold Entwistle, maybe we knew each other. My parents owned Mac's Chippy opposite the ice cream shop. Must have been a few doors down from you.
Mum (Jean) used to have a hairdressers on greenough st. I remember Phyllis cafe and ice cream parlour. I had my first taste of what seemed like the incredibly spicy HP sauce there..
I lived in Portland Street until 1960 when we moved to Whelley. Mum worked at Mortons grocers on Greenhough Street and I would pedal on my bike to see her,and can remember butcher Joe Molloy yelling across at me in his big booming voice, only saying hello but he used to terrify me as he was such a big loud figure.Does anyone remember the P.0 guy on the corner? A really miserable chap. Great memories though of a great street.