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British Rail APT
British Rail APT
Photo: Derek Bond
Views: 2,177
Item #: 18076
Northbound Advanced (tilting) Passenger Train at site of Standish station on 7.6.1982

Comment by: John on 11th July 2011 at 20:23

I think these failed trains or at least one of them are rusting away at Crew railway sidings. A big investment that sadly failed.

Comment by: Derek Bond on 12th July 2011 at 12:50

John, I have also been told that these trains are in Crewe sidings. The concept of tilting trains was pioneered by British Rail and the project was abandoned by BR when it was at an advanced stage, and at enormous cost. I don't think they ever entered timetabled/revenue earning service, but there were certainly trial journeys on the West Coast route involving ordinary members of the public, some of who claimed that the tilting motion made them feel nauseous. There were the inevitable teething problems and the technology was sold (no doubt at a knock down price) to the Italians. I suppose over the years it morphed into the Tipolinos now imported and operated by Virgin trains.

Comment by: rebian on 12th July 2011 at 20:09

Past Crewe on Sunday and saw the APT on the sidings what a crying shame, we used to see it alot at Whitley crossing in the early 80's, it was renound for breaking down but it had to be tested somewhere, it's not as though you can build a 100 mile test track. if they were patient all the trains could be being built over in the UK now instead of more job losses.

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