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Filming in Ince Streets
Filming in Ince Streets
Photo: irene roberts
Views: 3,726
Item #: 17752
Ince streets transformed from 1990s to 1930s for the filming of "Liam". We are looking down Hook Street, showing Keble Street, (re-named Hemans Street for the filming),going off to the right. The cars would obviously have been moved when filming was taking place.

Comment by: winnie on 11th May 2011 at 20:37

do you know if it avaliable on dvd

Comment by: irene roberts on 12th May 2011 at 08:09

I didn't know, Winnie, but have just looked it up on Amazon, and it is. I taped it off the telly at the time. The little lad who plays Liam is brilliant.To be honest, if I didn't know it had been filmed in Ince, I wouldn't have known; you don't see that much of the streets, but in one scene, an irate woman goes banging on a neighbour's door, and you get a quick glimpse of Keble Street church, but again I wouldn't have realised if I hadn't knoown where it was.

Comment by: Dennis Miller on 12th May 2011 at 09:05

Winnie, the DVD is available on Amazon.co.uk for £15.57 plus P&P.

Comment by: Kenee on 13th May 2011 at 14:04

Also available from Play.com £4.99

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