Wigan Album
Parkinson family
Photo: Camille Dobson
Item #: 17672
Married 1885 Thomas Dobson
d 1942 Bacup
F John Parkison M Elizabeth ?
Is this Alice Parkinson daughter of Luke and Mary Parkinson? And did Alice have a brother named Ralph?
No her husband was Thomas Dobson her children were James, Harold,Ernest, Ann, Lilly, John and John Thomas both John's died as children.
Camille, that is a wonderful photograph. What a treasure it must be.
Dear Fert, Thank you but I cant take credit for this photo it is not my photo, it was one that a person doing a family tree on Ancestry.com allowed me to use. Unfortnately I have only one family photo from the Wigan Dobson's and that was taken in Australia. I hope someone else posts some photos I really love seeing them.
my mum was Alice Parkinson but she was born in 1914 her father was Ralph Parkinson and he had a brother Luke, Alice had 2 brothers and 7 sisters. They lived in Newton Wigan
my mum was Alice Parkinson but she was born in 1914 her father was Ralph Parkinson and he had a brother Luke, Alice had 2 brothers and 7 sisters. They lived in Newton Wigan
This lady bears an uncanny resemblance to my father and grandfather but I can't make a connection as yet. My great grandfather James Parkinson had a brother called John, born in 1842. I don't know who John married but could this lady be his daughter? More confusingly James married an Elizabeth and they had a daughter called Alice but she wasn't born until 1877 not 1866. Any more info would be helpful if you have it.
This is the additional information that I have in the 1881 England Census they had Alice and her family living at 61 Caroline Street, her occupation was Tailoress.
Fathers name: John Parkinson 44
Mothers name: Hetty Parkinson 45
John Parkinson 17
Alice Parkinson 15
Sarah Jane Parkinson 11
James Parkinson 9
Hetty Parkinson 6
Lily Parkinson 3
Ada Annie Parkinson 1
The 1891 England Census contained the following information
Thomas Dobson 57 (husband)
Alice Dobson 25 (wife)(born wigan Lancashire)
James W Dobson 5
Harold Dobson 3
Ernest Dobson 2
Anne Dobson 5/12
Alice and Thomas married in sometime between Oct- December 1885.