Wigan Album
Photo: Ron Hunt
Item #: 1755
Where was Scholes Bridge
jm,,,if you stand on the bridge over the river douglas,(hm sound like a film title)looking at the new baths,,,the bridge was right in front of you,,it carried the railway line from The Central Station"which would form part of the new galleries now,,,,,
wasn't this affectionatly known as Scows bridge, to us. xxx
Has anyone got any pics of Traynors tripe shop x
Ron, is this building on the site of Palatines Pop Yard? Also can you make out what the sign says above the door, is it a pub?
Joan, I cannot help you with the Tripe Shop but the Traynor's were quite numerous around Scholes at that time.
It's the Horse Shoe Inn.
Thanks Ken, I managed to zoom in on my phone and could see that it is indeed the Horseshoe.
What threw me was what appears to be one of the stone supports to the railway bridge to the immediate right of the picture locating it roughly on the site of Palatines. The location in this picture is on the flat, I wonder if the this pub was pulled down and then rebuilt on the corner of Millgate and Station Road were the road is steep and curved. Wish I could have zoomed in to a clearer picture of the posters on the gable end, that might provide a date.
Did you notice what appears to be a two wheeled hand cart with a cover over forward of what I think is the railway bridge support?
Alternatively this particular Horseshoe pub could be somewhere else in Wigan.
Joan, do you know the location of Traynor's Tripe Shop in Scholes.
Ron, Scholes bridge is actually the bridge over the river Douglas were Millgate ends and Scholes begins, the term for the railway bridge should in reality be Millgate Railway Bridge but that might be a bit pedantic.