Wigan Album
5 Comments![Standishgate](/album/5/vtcrrlc8.jpg)
Photo: Alan Tickle
Item #: 17482
The premises to the right of the square deal shop used to be Standish's cabinet makers, Mr Standish died a few years ago at a great age.
I remember this corner, the church was on the opposite corner but I am going back a way...1949/50. The sweet shop I mentioned on another Dicconson St pic, was about 4 shops up from this corner pictured. It was a tiny shop. Is there a pic of the Wesleyan School that I went to or is it shown on another one of this interesting collection of pics ? I know that half of Dicconson St was demolished, the terrace of 3 storey houses where I lived up at the top end, was gone when I came back one time.
Helen, the church was demolished about 1970, I can remember old houses on the same side of Dicconson Street, the Academy shop was in a couple of them, rambling sort of place popular place to get school uniforms.
I remember the sweet shop on Standishgate opposite Powel street. My Dad was a wholesaler and supplied stuff for the Square Deal Shop (Davies??) Cards, stationery etc. I went to the Weslyan School up to first year junior. Then St Michaels in Swinley.
Is the sweet shop the one that used to play classical music? nice system fRom the sound of it. an elderly couple owned it?