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Photo: Alan Tickle
Views: 4,665
Item #: 17482
Shop on corner of Dicconson Street/Standishgate

Comment by: Duncan on 6th April 2011 at 09:59

The premises to the right of the square deal shop used to be Standish's cabinet makers, Mr Standish died a few years ago at a great age.

Comment by: Helen on 7th April 2011 at 09:23

I remember this corner, the church was on the opposite corner but I am going back a way...1949/50. The sweet shop I mentioned on another Dicconson St pic, was about 4 shops up from this corner pictured. It was a tiny shop. Is there a pic of the Wesleyan School that I went to or is it shown on another one of this interesting collection of pics ? I know that half of Dicconson St was demolished, the terrace of 3 storey houses where I lived up at the top end, was gone when I came back one time.

Comment by: Duncan on 7th April 2011 at 10:49

Helen, the church was demolished about 1970, I can remember old houses on the same side of Dicconson Street, the Academy shop was in a couple of them, rambling sort of place popular place to get school uniforms.

Comment by: Clive Marflow on 24th May 2011 at 20:46

I remember the sweet shop on Standishgate opposite Powel street. My Dad was a wholesaler and supplied stuff for the Square Deal Shop (Davies??) Cards, stationery etc. I went to the Weslyan School up to first year junior. Then St Michaels in Swinley.

Comment by: john on 4th December 2011 at 08:33

Is the sweet shop the one that used to play classical music? nice system fRom the sound of it. an elderly couple owned it?

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