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St Cuthbert's, Norley Hall


First Communion - St Cuthberts 1966
First Communion - St Cuthberts 1966
Photo: Carol Farmer
Views: 11,490
Item #: 17443
My first communion group photo. St Cuthberts was in Cuthbert Street then

Comment by: Carol Farmer (was Greenall) on 1st April 2011 at 12:30

I remember most of the names, apologies to those I have forgotten (or got wrong)
Front row (l-r) Alice Heyes, Julie Wilkinson, me, Carol Gordon, Christine Pike, ?, Winifred Spain, Angela McCarthy, Joan Callaghan.
2nd row - Michael Derbyshire, Stephen Brown, Anthony Whittle, David Merrick, Gerald Mannion, Anthony Burley, David Baldwin, Timothy Warren, Christopher Kelly, ?.
3rd Row - John Foley, Valerie Hooten, Judith Sutcliffe, Susan Ashcroft, Virginia ?, Carol Harber, Anne fairhurst, Francess ?, Francis ?
4th Row - Kevin ?, Mark Whittaker, John Yates, Laurence Wilson, David Banks, Paul Birchall, Martin Marsh.

Comment by: Stephen Brown on 27th April 2011 at 23:04

I had this photo for about 20 years in a cupboard at my mum`s (god bless her)but lost it and haven`t seen it for the last 20 years or so.Was chuffed when I logged on to Wigan World,and there it was.Nice one Carol, what a brilliant memory you have.

Comment by: Carol Farmer (was Greenall) on 5th May 2011 at 09:14

Hi Stephen, can you fill in any of the question marks. I think francis was Houghton? My copy of the photo was stuck into the Autobiography I had to write - I think it was when we were in junior school. I've also got a colour pic from when I was in the crowning group, but will need to wait til I'm back in Wigan in July to pick it and others up from my parents house.

Comment by: Stephen Brown on 8th May 2011 at 19:18

Sorry Carol cant help you out with the missing names as the grey matter in between my ears seems to be diminishing.Would love to see more school photos if at all possible.

Comment by: John Yates on 16th October 2011 at 18:16

Hi Carol, the first lad on back row is Kevin Callaghan stood next to me. I can't remember the other missing names, very impressed that you did so well.

Comment by: John Foley on 30th December 2011 at 06:44

Hi Carol 3rd row far left I think is John Aspey.
Frances Houghton is on the second row far left.
You have a great memory I wouldn`t have remembered all those names.

Comment by: Alice McDonald (nee Heyes) on 21st March 2012 at 19:54

Third Row 5th in Virginia Smith

Comment by: Angela McCarthy on 13th August 2012 at 22:10

Soooo cute, soooo long ago! Amazingly I recently met up with Michael Darbyshire when he joined our ramblers club, and Anthony Burley's sister also joined. Remember barn dancing with Anthony, sitting next to Timothy Warren in Mrs Darwens class, party at Winnifred Spains on bonfire night, doing a frosby flip in the high jump on sports day - we all had a fab time tho didn't we? All the best xxx

Comment by: Carol on 14th August 2012 at 11:18

Hi Angela, great to hear from you. They were good days, and we all were so cute!
It would be great to organise a class reunion! After 20 years overseas we have just returned to the UK. Currently living in Preston:)

Comment by: Val Gaunt, was Hooton on 12th February 2013 at 21:40

Hi everyone, I'm so pleased to find this photo, mine was lost after my mum died in 1998. Oh John Yates, i had a crush on you when I was 7! Think its Margaret Mcabe next to Christine Pike. I'd love to have a reunion, how about it everyone? I often wonder what happened to you all

Comment by: James Marsh on 16th August 2013 at 22:55

I think that Martin Marsh in top right corner is my dad. Will have to get him to confirm but certain of it. I noticed you use to be a Greenall, Martin Marsh grandfather married a Mary Elizabeth Greenall at St Cuthbert's, wander if there is any connection there.

Comment by: Carol Greenall on 29th August 2013 at 11:25

Hi James, there's no one of that name in my immediate family, although there are quite a few Greenalls in the Wigan area. (I'm into Genealogy)

Comment by: Chris Kelly on 27th February 2016 at 09:07

Wow, that is great to see all those friendly faces from the past. It is amazing how a photograph can spark up so many memories . If anyone one does organised a reunion it would be great to catch up with all and everyone.

Comment by: David Merricks on 29th January 2022 at 04:13

Hi to all my old classmates from another age. Sheer luck brought me here. Well done Carol for remembering so many names (I got more than I expected, but not as many as you). I have been living in the United States for 25 years now, but I still have a Wigan accent. Now that it’s so many years ago, I can say that I used to have a crush on Winifred Spain.
Best wishes to everyone!

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