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Wigan Album

Market Hall, Indoors


Wigan Market Hall
Wigan Market Hall
Photo: Dave Cockrell
Views: 5,049
Item #: 17273
another photo taken in 1971 of the main Hall

Comment by: Hazel on 3rd March 2011 at 20:02

I used to work at Seymour Meads as a Saturday Girl in the early sixties.

Comment by: Peter Johnson on 17th March 2011 at 02:03

This is a cracking shot of the old market hall, you can almost smell it. It's just a shame that you can't take photos in the new market hall. They are so paranoid when they see a DSLR camera.

Comment by: Keith Moore on 21st May 2011 at 13:21

I also worked at Seymour Meads in the early 1960's as an order boy. The first manager was a Mr Taylor and later a scottish man.Also Mrs Vose and Mrs Pearson worked there. I have many memories of Mr Taylor who was a bit eccentric. He once pushed an shopping list into the top pocket of my Thomas Linacre blazer for me to take on the order bike ( a bit like Granville from Open All Hours). When I got to the house and gave the lady the list there was a ten bob note inside my pocket-- he had done this to test my honesty. Thank god I didn't loose it. Mostly I remember him the day they got a brand new electric bacon slicer. He used to clean the old manual one by putting a bucket of soapy water an the part where the bacon went and then slowly turning the handle he would wipe the cutting blade. That day he set up as usual to clean the new machine and when he switched it on the bucket flew across the counter and drowned a poor woman who was shopping. My uncle Bill Entwistle also owned the market hall cafe. My twin sister and later my wife were one time manageresses.

Comment by: Fred Mason on 29th August 2011 at 22:41

Keith Moore, sounds like I know you or may be related. Billy Entwistle was also my uncle through my mothers lineage, Hilda Long. Is your twin sister called Kathleen?

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