Wigan Album
Spring View Cricket Club
Photo: tony
Item #: 17100
Its a great pity Dower House was allowed to fall into ruin and later demolished. English Heritage were approached but declined to act. A part of Platt Bridge history gone forever!
After looking hard at this photo, I think the batsman could be Elwyn Mulvey, but the question is why is the umpire stood at point instead, as is usual, at square leg. The only conclusion that I can come to is the batsman at the other end was probably a left hander, (Alan Green)and they had just taken a single to bring the right hander on strike and perhaps the umpire coundn't be bothered changing sides. Any comments from Wigan World cricket devotees.?
It is indeed sad, criminal even. Hidden in the trees as it was, it was easy to miss the start of its demolition in 1997. I came across its wrecking whilst out on a walk which just happened to pass nearby. As I was reconstructing our garden at the time, and was on the lookout for loads of stone, I asked the contractors if I could have some - and was allowed to help myself to a few trailer loads, which I built up as the frontage of a terrace. So some of this lovely old house is still in the area. I took some pics of the last bit standing - a massive stone fireplace - which I'll try to find and post up.
spot on brian, it is elwyn, greeny was at the non strikers end after taking a quick single !!!
I think you mean a slow single Tony!
bill, did greeny ever run a single !!!!!!!!