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Photos of Wigan
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Wigan Album

St Nathaniel's, Platt Bridge


St Nathaniels
St Nathaniels
Photo: Barbara (Webster) Sherrington
Views: 2,075
Item #: 17013
Walking Day

Comment by: Wanner on 8th February 2011 at 21:12

The bloke in the leather jacket was a teacher at St Nathaniels and I am sure his name was Mr Rigby

Comment by: ste s on 12th February 2011 at 18:28

hi wanner ,if i remember rightley mr rigby used to play the guiter,he used sing to us in class streets of london

Comment by: Wanner on 13th February 2011 at 18:37

Thats right Ste. And could the lady next to him be Miss Dean?

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