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Lower Ince


choir st marys
choir st marys
Photo: j daniel
Views: 2,402
Item #: 16901
st marys walking day.choir walking through spring view.led by b. sherrat.

Comment by: Rev David Long on 27th January 2011 at 15:10

Donald Cornes is the choirmaster on the left. The Vicar, in sunglasses in the middle, is Bob Wagstaff (1958-75). I don't recognise the other priest. It's on Warrington Road, and I'm told the shop in the foreground was a bike shop, and the one on the distant corner was Little Joe's Toffee Shop.

Comment by: j daniel on 27th January 2011 at 16:34

yes your correct,my dads shop,was on the left hand side.it was a barbers shop.w. daniel.we lived 5,doors away from sammy bickerstaffes shop,she sold allsorts of spares for bikes,she was my mums friend.

Comment by: frank on 28th January 2011 at 22:21

Could it be Rev Ernest Traverse, vicar of St Barnabas Marsh Green, 1979-80 and ex St Mary's choir etc.?

Comment by: Rev David Long on 29th January 2011 at 13:11

Ernest Trasvers appears in a couple of pics in the series under 'People', 'St Mary's Choir'. He had a magnificent head of thick black hair - the Vicar here is taller, and grey-haired.

Comment by: Rev David Long on 13th February 2011 at 13:16

More names from St Mary's & Avril Court folk: Behind Donald Cornes, Joe Entwhistle; back of that row, Mike Cox and Bill Rimmer.

Comment by: Margaret Jones (nee Taylor) on 1st March 2011 at 17:24

The choirboy on the right with glasses is Brian Sharrock.

Comment by: Laurence Fairhurst on 20th September 2015 at 10:33

And butter wouldn't melt in his mouth !!!

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