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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Wigan Album

Wigan North West Station


Wigan LNWR, summer 1959
Wigan LNWR, summer 1959
Photo: Lyndon Crompton
Views: 2,114
Item #: 16858
Rebuilt Patriot No.45529 'Stephenson' waiting in the bay at the north end of the station. The two lads are John Shepard (left) and Ian Crompton (right).

Comment by: Margaret Wall on 24th January 2011 at 16:02

Another fabulous old photo Lyndon from the days when boys enjoyed the simple (and inexpensive) pleasure of train-spotting.

Comment by: John on 24th January 2011 at 18:40

Remember you really had to buy a platform ticket, but if the station master was in a good mood he would let you on without one !

Comment by: Derek Bond on 24th January 2011 at 22:01

I often think of the times when, as young lads, we would spend hours (sometimes all day) in the summer holidays standing on the platforms at Wigan North Western with express trains thunderimg past yards away from us. No yellow lines on the platform edges and notices saying "High speed trains pass through here" No one, least of all railway staff, batted an eyelid. Elf'n'Safety would throw a wobbler just thinking about it now!

Comment by: David W. on 25th January 2011 at 19:03

Nice photo Lyndon brings back many memories of John and Ian when we lived in Cedar Grove. Many a happy hour spent on Wigan North Western station train spotting and going in the buffet bar.

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