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Police officers around 1947 at least one Wigan borough officer
Police officers around 1947 at least one Wigan borough officer
Photo: Linda Maguire
Views: 3,375
Item #: 16599
Not sure if these are all Wigan Borough Police, it could be a training course? Alex Lyons is on the back row 3rd from left

Comment by: horace on 30th December 2010 at 13:38

\\\I'll bet its somewhere near a pub !!!!

Comment by: Irene Roberts nee Griffiths on 30th December 2010 at 15:17

A lovely pic Linda. I think you were at Ince Central with me....we're on the same photo under the schools section,taken in the old school yard, but it is a mix of two classes, and you went up the school a year in front of me, and you were friends with Kath Molloy who is a friend of mine now,( although oddly I didn't know her then, despite living near to her.)Hope you are keeping well.

Comment by: GEOFF CHARNOCK on 18th January 2011 at 15:56

Back row fourth from right looks like Maurice Heyes

Comment by: Charles O'Leary on 22nd January 2011 at 19:03

Recognised Alec Lyons immediately I served with him long enough and also the bloke second from the right looking at the picture and knelt down on front row is Jim Ashurst Both ended up as Inspectors and both are deceased.I don't think that other one is Maurice Heyes.

Comment by: Linda Maguire ( nee Lyons) on 2nd February 2011 at 21:17

So, Sgt O'Leary, do you think this Photo is all Wigan police offiers? because seeing as I have no one else to ask now, you are my only hope! xx

Comment by: Charles O'Leary on 24th October 2011 at 14:22

Linda, forgive me for not replying sooner but since Annie my wife died my days are full looking after myself. The photo is NOT of all Wigan Borough members. There are only two, your Dad and Jim Ashurst. Maurice Heyes is not on it. I assume that it was taken ast some course and I'm pretty sure that there are a lot of County lads on it. One I recognise, can't remember his name, but he was Irish and served in Ince. Hed's the very left hand one next door to Alex

Comment by: Linda on 31st October 2011 at 09:28

Thank you for that information Charlie :)Please look after yourself well!

Comment by: Stephen Connelly on 11th March 2015 at 18:38

Although it was a long time ago, lovely to see a comment from CHARLIE AUTOBRITE (COL)

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