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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

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Backyard studio


Backyard portrait
Backyard portrait
Photo: dk
Views: 2,479
Item #: 16558
Jean Goulding, taken mid to late 1940s. Our Auntie Jean. Definitely a bit of portraiture taking place here and maybe it's an exercise in light and shade as well. The negative is badly eroded and I've had to crop some bits away which is a shame. In my memory; a kind and gentle woman. Lovely eyes in this picture - the 1940s movie star look.

Comment by: josie pennington nee beckett on 25th December 2010 at 22:07

lovely photo dk she is beautiful just look at her hair and scarf i love this pic.

Comment by: Mick P on 25th December 2010 at 23:10

In more ways than one.
She's me Mam

Comment by: Wigwann on 26th December 2010 at 09:15

Lovely Christmas present for you M.

Comment by: paul parkinson on 26th December 2010 at 11:41

me grandma anther cracker

Comment by: paul parkinson on 26th December 2010 at 14:01

another cracker{me n my spelling}come on mike rip me bits

Comment by: Mick P on 28th December 2010 at 00:09

U shouldn't have stured out t' window and whacked school that much R Paul.

Comment by: paul parkinson on 30th December 2010 at 22:49

i blame you mike for getting me into rush at about 11 or 12 moving pictures n grace under pressure eh "do you know what this picture of a egg in a vice means ?" .... well i tell you what one summer years later at bbq under youre advice how you can,t crack a egg with finger n thumb i tries it , guess what ,covered in raw egg . might not be all youre fault granded did sware by no frills stuff (kwick save)

Comment by: Mick P on 31st December 2010 at 02:51

Bit of advice Paul, don't crack an egg unless you plan to make something with it, ok.

Comment by: paul parkinson on 31st December 2010 at 19:19

look what happened last time i took youre advice (only yokeing)

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