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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Wigan Album

Market Place, Wigan


Postcard Scan
Postcard Scan
Photo: Dennis Miller
Views: 2,960
Item #: 16474
I found this postcard in my late Aunt's photographs, not to sure of the date. I have not seen this one before.

Comment by: fred foster on 9th December 2010 at 15:30

When the trams were taken off in 1930 the top decks of the double deckers were sold off. My dad bought one and made a hen shed from it, and Uncle Harry had one fitted to a horse drawn lorry base and converted into a caravan!

Comment by: josie pennington nee beckett on 9th December 2010 at 22:43

wonder what year this was, its fab

Comment by: Helen on 10th December 2010 at 08:38

I remember the ' chicken shed ' down the back Fred, never knew it was a tram top, thought it was some sort of railway carriage.

Comment by: Fred Mason on 1st January 2011 at 15:47

Lovely old pic. Amazing to think that, in those days, as the sign indicates, ALL traffic from the south of England went that way to the north...!!!!!!

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