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Photo: HENRY67
Views: 11,253
Item #: 16468
A photograph of the bottom of Castle Hill, Hindley, I would think about 100 years ago, maybe longer.

Comment by: Gem on 7th December 2010 at 23:53

The Cross keys has shrunk!

Comment by: Babsie on 8th December 2010 at 00:35

Wow! Henry what an awesome picture. Ive never seen any like that of Castle Hill. oh how i wish i could go back just for a day to see how Hindley looked then :) Thanks for posting it..

Comment by: Derek in Aus on 8th December 2010 at 01:41

Needs adding to the Old gallert/Hindley.

Comment by: JohnB on 8th December 2010 at 09:28

Fantastic photo.

Comment by: babsies boyfriend on 8th December 2010 at 09:29

you would probably ned a time machine babsie
great picture Henry

Comment by: ray mclaren on 8th December 2010 at 10:19

Iv seen something like this before, but never of this quality,,wow. you can just feel the atmosphere on that sunny morning long long ago. i remember the houses and the tunnel entry on the left, Op the Keys' used to be a fortune teller lived up the steps in the tunnel. but the the old x keys was gone by 1950 my 1st memory recall

Comment by: Maureen Andrews nee McGovern on 8th December 2010 at 11:31

That's an absolutely brilliant peep into history.

Comment by: tony on 8th December 2010 at 20:45

quality ,just brilliant

Comment by: Wanner on 8th December 2010 at 22:05

I'm confused! Are we looking down Bridge St? Great pic.

Comment by: Dennis Miller on 9th December 2010 at 05:48

Wanner, it is confusing me as well... you cannot see St John's Methodist Church in the photograph and that was built in 1868! Okay, it is possible the steeple was added at a later date? But if it was part of the original building you should see it in the photograph.... unless of course the photograph pre-dates the church! In which case this really IS a gem of a photograph.

Comment by: Wigwann on 9th December 2010 at 12:07

The above photograph is in a book of old photographs of Hindley & Hindley Green by Mr J. Lowe. The accompanying text says that "Richard Pennington junior was seldom outshone in civic generosity and when he lit the lamp at the top of Market Street he promised to donate a similar one at the junction of Bridge St.,Castle Hill and Chapel Green. The picture shows Bridge Street about the year 1900" Hope that clarifies the date and place. Mr Lowe also shows a picture of the lamp in Market Street and it is on page 15 of his book. Mr Lowe wa my headmaster at Argyle St. later Hindley County Sec.Mod. and a noted local historian. A lovely, lovely man and very far sighted.

Comment by: Keith Guest on 9th December 2010 at 19:19

Dennis I had a look to-day and from the spot where the photo was taken you cannot see St Johns Church spire. That's presuming I was in the right spot of course.

Comment by: Wanner on 9th December 2010 at 20:42

I have fond memories of Jack Lowe as well, he was my headmaster at Mornington Rd 1973-78

Comment by: Babsie on 9th December 2010 at 22:33

Wanner Jack Lowe was the head teacher when i was at Mornington Road.. Was trying to remember who the deputy head was, i think it was Mr Harrison..

Comment by: dot on 10th December 2010 at 17:28

My grandparents and family lived at 50 Bridge Street, which was roughly opposite the Cross Keys I think.
Can anyone tell me where the tunnel was in relation to 50 Bridge Street?


Comment by: irene roberts on 11th December 2010 at 08:47

My husband was born in Bridge Street.

Comment by: wanner on 11th December 2010 at 11:48

Babsie. When I left Mornington Rd there were two deputy heads, Miss Whittaker (Nellie) and Mr Hariss (Chopper).

Comment by: Babsie on 11th December 2010 at 22:16

Wanner yeah youre right, lol it made me laugh when i read that, i had forgot that was their nick names lol. She was strict if i can remember right..

Comment by: Kathhwal on 11th December 2010 at 23:19

I worked with a girl in the 1980's who married Mr Lowes son, I believe they lived in the Bolton area.

Comment by: Derek in Aus on 12th December 2010 at 01:22

Jack Lowe was a teacher at H.A.G.S when I left
in 1952

Comment by: russ on 12th December 2010 at 10:31

I would say its definitely a view down Bridge street, with Chapel Green road to the immediate left with Lancaster road behind the photographer. Odviously Castle Hill road to the right.

Comment by: wanner on 12th December 2010 at 17:32

Kathwal. I presume You mean Jack Lowes son lived in the Bolton area because Jack Lowe himself lived on Atherton Rd in Hindley directly opposite Kenilworth Rd.

Comment by: Snowyblue on 12th December 2010 at 21:03

Jack Lowe's son is a solicitor called Roger Lowe, who taught me at Salford Tech in the late eighties.

Comment by: henry7 on 12th December 2010 at 22:47

Jack Lowe's wife was a lovely person, she taught cookery for a while at Argyle Street.

Comment by: Babsie on 13th December 2010 at 23:22

When was that Henry, i cant remember her teaching there..

Comment by: Henry7 on 14th December 2010 at 09:38

She taught for a short while around 1956/57. It was inbetween the old cookery teacher leaving, and the new teacher Miss Harrison starting.

Comment by: julie fairclough on 19th January 2011 at 14:51

i was born earky 60s and i remember the bigshop at the bottom of danes ave,the one in the pic with a canopy.think it was co-op.there wss a presbyterian church behind the buildings on the right which i remember and i think its the roof of that which can be seen.there are graves there now which were found 10 or so years ago

Comment by: jane glover nee deakin on 15th June 2012 at 22:41

brilliant picture my grandma would have been living round about the area at that time

Comment by: robin babb on 6th September 2012 at 16:27

Lovely clear photo. I worked behind the Cross Keys from 1962 until 1990. Never saw the sun in winter, in the shadow of the Horseshoe tavern. The shop Julie mentions was Tomlinsons when I moved to Hindley and the buildings between the bridge and the new Cross Keys and everything behind them had just been demolished except the chapel and two cottages by the brook.

Comment by: John wilkinson on 17th May 2018 at 21:28

Lancaster road didnt exist at the times of the photograph .
An accurate location should read junction of Ellesmere Street, Bridge street and Castlehill Road ,

Comment by: Dek on 4th February 2021 at 21:56

chopper harris
jimmy jesus RE teacher

both crazy lol

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