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Alker Family (Hollandmoor)

1 Comment

Dorothy Alker (Holland moor )
Dorothy Alker (Holland moor )
Photo: Martin Pearce
Views: 1,597
Item #: 16178
My Mum Dorothy Alker on the right of the photo taken in the late 1940's at the rear of 236 Ormskirk Rd . She would have been about to start nursing. One of her friends in the photo is a Margaret Brerley,if my memory is correct.
If the picture is a little later than the forties then my Dad Colin was the one to take it.

Comment by: Kathy Lee on 24th October 2010 at 14:56

My mum was friends with a girl named Margaret Alker from Upholland I think she may have worked at Ellisons carpet shop in the Makinson Arcade this would have been 40s or early 50s

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