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British/Evans school Ashton in Makerfield


British School
British School
Photo: John Duffy
Views: 14,622
Item #: 15868
Mr.Sillito's Class circa 1960
Back Row: John Liptrot, Alan Roberts?, Jeff Kay, David Johnson, Arthur Knowles, Anthony Lavin, David Gill.
Next Row: Mr.Sillito, James Goodier, John Duffy, Margaret Pendlebury-Green, Hazel Whitter, Lesley ?, Susan Welding? John Pownall, Terry Morris, Mr. Pilling (Headmaster)
Next Row: Wendy Liptrot, ?, ?, Christine Pearce, Kathleen Summers, Audrey Brown, Marilyn Worswick, Kay Croston? Yvonne ?
Next Row: ? Christine Wright, ?, Audrey Littler, Susan ?, Sheila Marsden, Aston twins, ?, Wendy Cousins?
Front Row: Brian Hardman, Ken Eden, Ian Pendlebury, Lawrence Collister, ?.

Comment by: Kenee on 27th February 2011 at 20:25

You remember more than I do John, I’ve filled a few gaps:

Back Row: John Liptrot, Alan Roberts, Jeff Kay, David Johnson, Arthur Knowles,
Anthony Lavin, David Gill.
Next Row: Mr. Sillito, James Goodier, John Duffy, Margaret Pendlebury-Green, Hazel Whitter,
Lesley Palmer, Susan Wilding, John Pownall, Terry Morris, Mr. Pilling (Headmaster)
Next Row: Wendy Liptrot, ?, ?, Christine Pearce, Kathleen Summers, Audrey Brown,
Marilyn Worswick, Kay Croston? Yvonne Blinston.
Next Row: Glenys Hughes, Christine Wright, Carol Smith, Audrey Littler, Susan Wainwright?,
Sheila Marsden, Aston twins, ?, Wendy Cousins?

Front Row: Brian Hardman, Ken Eden, Ian Pendlebury, Lawrence Collister, Ian McClellan.

Comment by: Kenee on 28th February 2011 at 16:53

Thinking about it Ian McClellan might be David.
I could have been thinking of Sir Ian McKellen. The girl next to Wendy Cousins last name is Massey.

Comment by: sagaman49 on 21st March 2011 at 22:27

Kenee, thanks for filling in some of the missing names, I was beginning to think nobody cared. The Aston twins were Joan(blond)and Sheila and I think it was Rob McClennan. Where was Douglas Pearce that day?

Comment by: sagaman49 on 22nd March 2011 at 20:08

The girl on Christine Pearce's right, was her surname Pickering or Pilkington?
Sadly some of these are no longer with us.

Comment by: Kenee on 4th April 2011 at 16:48

No, doesn't ring a bell.
Douglas Pearce sounds familiar but I can't picture him.
Wasn't Anna Starbuck in that class too?

Comment by: sagaman49 on 5th April 2011 at 19:14

Yes that name rings a bell. She was absent that day setting up a global empire of coffee shops!

Comment by: Kenee on 6th April 2011 at 19:24

You really should be on the stage with stuff like that.

There's one leaving in 20 minutes!

I can picture Anna, a tall girl with chin length blonde hair. She was friends with Kath Summers.

Comment by: audrey jenkins(nee Brown) on 10th April 2011 at 22:09

Lesley palmer was next to hazel Whitter

Susan wainwright is next to Wendy Liptrot and then came Christine Pilkington (did her family emigrate?), Yvonnes surname was Blinston
Next row was Glenys Hughes at the end, Carol Smith was at the other side of Christine Wright, Susan Hart was next to A Littler, hazel Massey came after Sheila and Joan Aston.
The lad on the right of L Collister was Robert McLLelan.
It's really strange that last week my nephew enhanced this particular photo for me. I had written the names on the back many years ago. Hope this helps

Comment by: audrey jenkins on 11th April 2011 at 08:58

I think that Anna Starbuck was the daughter of the Headteacher at the Grammar school and wasn't with us for very long at the British school. I do have a couple more photos somewhere of the classroom and will try to locate them

Comment by: Kenee on 11th April 2011 at 19:39

Hello Audrey, I hope you are well. You're right, memory jogged, Anna's dad was headmaster at Ashton Grammar. He was replaced by Kenneth Allan, probably the year this photo was taken. I imagine the family moved on to another district.
Len Sillito was a great teacher, I really enjoyed being in this class. The less said about Mr P. the better.

Comment by: sagaman49 on 11th April 2011 at 21:47

Audrey, thanks for your input, I thought only Ken and I were looking at this photo. I had a feeling Christine Pilkington emigrated. Susan Welding or Wilding? Christine Wright was on the same flight as me returning from the USA some years ago.
My wife tells me I walk with my head slightly to one side, that's because of all the slaps to the head by Mr Pilling!!!
Take care.

Comment by: Kenee on 13th April 2011 at 18:20

Got my Susans mixed up!

I just found an old Ashton Grammar School year book, Anna Starbucks father came from Wyggeston Grammar School in Leicester in 1954. He moved on from Ashton Grammar to take the post of Headmaster at Cockburn High School, Leeds in Summer 1958, so that makes sense.

Comment by: A J Gill on 19th January 2016 at 13:02

David Gill - David died in 2013 but we are so glad to see this photograph, thanks John for putting it forward, David's Sister, Freda, will know most. A lovely photo

Comment by: Stuart Melling on 29th September 2023 at 20:20

My wife and I were looking for Ashton Grammar photos of 1960. I thought that I had clicked on one and up popped this one. What a lovely surprise! My first year at school was at British school. My family moved to Downall Green, where my second year and the rest of juniors was spent at Rectory C.E.
In my first year at Ashton Grammar Sep '60, I met so many of the above. I don't remember much of my first year at Evans. I do remember refusing to eat my semolina pudding and the teacher taking away my orange until I did. I was sad about the orange but could not have eaten the pudding. Not a great start to my time in education.
On a happier note,
I'm fairly sure it was Christine Pierce's dad who was Cub Leader at Bryn Baptist. On my first visit there (aged about 10) I thought the object of British Bulldog was to knock down the one in the middle so I ran at him and knocked him down. He laughed harder than anyone and I have never forgotten his gracious response to the 'new boy'. Thanks for some lovely (unexpected) memories.
Stuart, Sep 2023

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