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Wigan Album

Springs Branch


railways 6119_007
railways 6119_007
Photo: Mick Smalley
Views: 3,946
Item #: 15847
Springs Branch on a Saturday afternoon,ready for stabling over the weekend.I think the year was 1962.

Comment by: aitch on 25th September 2010 at 14:54

I spent many hours in the little concrete cabin to the left of the wagon playing myth with the fire and coaling men, our job was to water and turn the engines if needed and place the locos on the shed roads, mostly night turn for us cleaners, all part of the promotion ladder, thanks for that one Mick, certainly brings back memories.

Comment by: roland on 6th October 2010 at 20:17

The concrete cabin was the new one the old wooden one is behind it, the old one was mainly used by the firedroppers, the concrete one by the footplate men, there were many games of myth played there, and a lot of tea brewed.

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