Wigan Album
Wigan Grammar Schools
34 CommentsPhoto: Olga
Item #: 15592
Ah yes, another photo of a Grammar School boy.
They must be so proud of their uniforms to wear them on holiday, unlike us Linacre boys who could not wait to rip them off.
How I wish I had gone to the Grammar School then I could have been so smart on holiday, instead of being a scruffy sod in jeans and pumps.
Does't look like any Grammar School uniform I've ever seen !
Dear young Clipt. These are not your common or scowz grammar boys who regular got their lugs battered. These were your Wigan Lane grammar boys. These rotters had summer uniforms - and note the plimpsolls. In those doomed days of the 50s even coach holidays to the lakes were frequented by posh folks. There were no chavs those days living it up on state benefit.
Your reet Jimmy all the thickos went to the Linacre.
Is this ROY PAINTER??????????
Hello Roy, we weren't really thickos, we just found out at an early age that life was easier if you acted thick.
Hiya Jemmy. I see your still up to your old tricks.
Caddick - you owd wooden spoon - stirring it all up again I see.
That's not a WGS uniform. They were single -breasted and had red piping/ribbon on the pockets.
I think the point is Mrs Trewyth that you have to look at the photo in respect of the earlier picture of the boy holding the dog. Its not to say that the boys in picture were Wigan Grammar School pupils but rather its pointing out that this was the coach trip to the Lakes on which the boy with the dog was present. Its also clearly discounting the view that some "geeks" held, that kids did not wear their school uniform on holiday. Its not so much Jimmy The Exploder - but exploding Jimmy. Appologies for that esoteric comment.
Obviously Lythgoe minor survived seven years of gross brutality, sarcastic Oxbridge wit, sneering distain for anyone lower down the evolutionary ladder than a Doctors son and actually paid attention in English Lang. classes and no doubt a year in the Upper Sixth Classics (the Untouchables) to come out on the other side as a well rounded, tolerant, worldly wise gentleman of means, who had totally integrated with and appreciatesthe working class humour Cheer Ho old chap.
Ah! Miss Clipt. Your nothing if not loquatious. Keep up the good work!
Ray, did you go to the T.L.S.? Do you come from Haydock?
Spot on Ron.
Hi Ray Nice to contact you after nearly 50 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you still live around these parts? I always remember your beetle crusher shoes SUPERB Everyone else had 'sensible' school shoes but not you. L.O.L. lf you still live around these parts send me your e.mail address to ron@wiganworld.co.uk, and I'll contact you when we have our next 'Get together' Was hoping J.L. would be coming over this summer, as we said we would meet up when he came over i.e Richard (Dickie) Dakin, Norman Crippin, Billy Anglesea, Carl Fairclough, Tony Bennet, Jimmy Caddick and anyone else we can drag along.<g> Would be great to see you after all this time.
When and where is your nect reunion?
Hi Ray we can organise one whenever. We we just waiting for J.L. to come over before we organise another, But we can manage without him L.O.L. I'll arrange one when the holiday season has finished probably end of Septemberish?
ron. just drop details when & where when your ready. busy on move. more time when retire shortly. keep happy. rd.
Is John Lythgoe talking in riddles? estoric and loqacious and Jimmy explodind. I've not got a clue what he is on about.
The last time I saw so many TLS lads together was outside Fanny Orgills.
Hi Ray I thought your surname name was Dowling??? I've put your e.mail address into my address book. I'll let you know when we arrange a MEET UP
Jimmy can you send me your e.mail address. I've lost it
There's a track on the White Stripes album called Jimmy The Exploder.
Sorry to upset you chaps from the Tommy Linacre but I think J. Lythgoe is Jimmy Lythgoe who went to WGS!
Did this J lythgoe come from Beech Hill Bob?
and is he the Jimmy who has been posting these comments about superimposed photos that J L is blaming me for?
Jimmy may have lived in Beech Hill at some point but he doesnt now. Maybe he'll tell us. However, Jimmy, about the other thing - JL doesnt know his aris from his elbow - if it doesnt come out of a barrel or a bottle - he hasnt a clue. And he wont mind me saying that. However he is a racontuer of superior propotions.
This John Lythgoe, (Margarita), didn't post that load of crap, I don't know what it means either
John Lythgoe..who? margarita? we're talking Jimmy Lythgoe aren't we!
I think he's had one to many margaritas.
What some trainspotters'll do to get noticed!
Strike a bleedin' light!
dixie is that jimmy lythgoe. red hair. played in sunday rugby league for stalk.
No Jon. The Jimmy Lythgoe on here is the one from Wigan Grammar. I know the one you mean. Different bloke. I think this Jon Buttinski is the one who went to St Joe's junior and the Tommy Linacre Secondary Mod. Lives in Marsh Bonk.
dave whos this buttinsky.....dont know him .... sounds foreign.
Dixie, sorry to confuse you old lad. Buttiinsky isn't his real name. I refer to this Jon Lythgoe, who sems to have "butt in" to this topic without ant reason other than self publicity. Hence the name "Buttinski". Do you get it?
Vosey, I'm not butting into anything, there are people who think that I have been saying things that I haven't, so I'm simply putting the record straight, on the other hand you have certainly butted in you bloody clown
I beg your pardon Mr Buttinsky but Mr Vose is not a clown. He's a first class gentleman who served Queen and country with distiction, which is more than I can say for some who attempt to write on this site.
I was under the impression that foul and digusting language wasn't allowed on this site.
Mr Vose is a well educated Grammar boy, a gentleman and a scholar and at least he can spell his own name.
The very idea, I personally know at least half a dozen J. Lythgoes. Why should the "J" stand for "John" especially when it has been explained that the name was "Jimmy"!
And as for this "Margarita", who ever she is, words defy me...
Lettie my dear, I do hope you will be most careful when you place comments on the internet.
You really do not know what kind of fellows with whom you may be dealing.
You could be dealing with criminal types or even loonies.
If you must answer people on the internet use a nom de plume.
In this case better not to respond at all. The gentleman, Mr Buttinsky has demonstrated a rather aggressive attitude and a ripe turn of speech.
Just be very careful Lettie my dear, not all men are well brought up, well mannered grammar school boys.