Wigan Album
Ribble Buses
Photo: Stuart Parkinson
Item #: 15564
Ah, the National Westminster Bank. Used to go in there with my mother. It was like a temple or place of learning. Carved, polished wood, black & white marble, tall ceilings. An air of calm & quietness.....a world away from the nasty little boxes of today with their neon lights & smelly carpet.
ahh this is (was) my Wigan
I got my engagement ring and wedding ring from Ratner's, and do you all remember the TV advert jingle: ♫ John Collier, John Collier, The Window To Watch ♫?
Ignore the numbers on the above.....I had put musical notes to accompany the jingle, but it's gone wrong somehow and put numbers instead! (It works on the messageboards).
A 1972 Ribble Leyland National bus, their depot was in lower Wallgate.
Crikey,an old ribble leyland national.
I never thought that i would get all nostalgic about one of them.
I must be getting old :-)
Good photo.
Yes you must be geting too old dansdad, the Leyland bus was a revolution in it's day!
Both me and my sister both worked on the ribble buses. But Renee worked far longer on them than me. One of my regular routes was Ormskirk , Loved eating cheese & onion sandwiches from Ormskirk depot. But some of the passengers on route back used to say there's a smell of onions on this bus. Didn't do it much after those comments.
Dot do you remember Joe Farrell Driver then Inspector for Ribble Buses back in the 1970's. I know you from those days. \also Bert Bussell and his son when on to drive the busses back then.
Hi anyone rember my dad colin Hampson, he still going strong
I Remember Joe Farrell I Was A Conductor In 1964 Joe Was The Stand Inspector Then Along With Jimmy Lyons
Ribble Leyland National 376, PTF722L on a quiet rainy day in Standishgate on route 375 to Ormskirk or Southport. I think that is John Barrie clothes shop. Next door is Ratners jewellers, and there was a dental surgery upstairs. Also Freeman Hardy Willis shoe shop where the Galleries entrance is now, and a passageway that led to Hope Street with a haberdasher shop. I think it was called Liz Elastic.
Mr X, Joan Barrie's dress shop was on Wallgate at the junction were the policeman was on traffic control opposite Library Street. You are right about the dentist, Brown the butcher was his nickname.