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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Wigan Album

Wigan Corporation Transport


Market Place stops
Market Place stops
Photo: Stuart Parkinson
Views: 3,232
Item #: 15561
Waiting near the gents before setting off for Standish.

Comment by: Maureen Andrews nee McGovern on 20th August 2010 at 14:51

These are brilliant photos of old Wigan Stuart,I know it's nostalgia talking but wouldn't it be lovely to go back as it was.

Comment by: Colin Harlow on 20th August 2010 at 17:20

Absolutely fantastic photo, it captures evrything. Yes Maureen you're right, it would be great to go back to those days...great.

Comment by: janet on 20th August 2010 at 18:08

Look at the bobby directing traffic..the good old days...

Comment by: Rev David Long on 20th August 2010 at 20:08

Mmm... going back to the way it was.... I drove a Thames Trader truck like the one behind the Standard to the left of the bus down to South Wales on the M6 - M5. When I stopped for a break on a service station after a couple of hours, I stepped down from the cab - and fell over. The noise from the engine which was beside me in the cab was so horrendous that it affected my balance.

Comment by: Colin Harlow on 20th August 2010 at 21:07

Rev Long, The Thames Trader was only designed for short local work, going to South Wales in one ...well you deserve a medal. As you rightly say, the engine was almost in the cab, just a thin steel bonnet to try and keep the noise down, and like most lorries hard to drive as well. You was literally in the slow lane.

Comment by: Rev David Long on 20th August 2010 at 21:23

Even more so on the way back up - I'd gone down to Cardiff to recover a broken-down coach, and the Trader was the tow-wagon. Fortunately the two drivers were able to swap between the noisy tow-truck and the silent bus on the return journey.

Comment by: dot on 20th August 2010 at 22:48

I remember getting a bus here to go to the Girl's High school Playing field on the way to Standish. I think it was called Ashfield.We had an afternoon a week up there throughout the schoo; year, with hockey in winter and tennis in summer. I was no good at either!

Comment by: Helen on 21st August 2010 at 07:45

Many's the time I've waited in this spot for a bus to take me up to my grandparents house in St Clements Road.

Comment by: Bill Eatock on 21st August 2010 at 20:02

Magic! Its strange but a few days ago, I actually had a dream where I was standing across the road looking at a bus at that stop. I then ran toward Library Steet to catch the 3D to Ince! Even in my dream I managed to miss the bus! Very elusive was the 3D...

Comment by: irene roberts nee griffiths on 22nd August 2010 at 10:33

Oh, those underground toilets again! We're not going to be allowed to forget them, are we? And a good thing too, I say!

Comment by: Ivor Hilton on 22nd August 2010 at 11:59

I spent 7 years standing at this bus stop on my way home to Pepper Lane from H.A.G.S. The number 5 went up to "Graham Farm" terminus and the 5A went to Pepper Lane end and turned round on Preston Road. Great photo Stuart. Memories....

Comment by: irene roberts nee griffiths on 22nd August 2010 at 17:59

What a long way to travel to HAGS, Ivor! I travelled there from Ince, and that was far enough! Any reason why you went so far to school?

Comment by: Ivor Hilton on 22nd August 2010 at 18:51

Hi Irene. Yes it was four bus rides every day! Having been to St. Michael's Junior School previously, travel didn't bother me. Also I didn't fancy Chorley Grammar so I followed a friend from Pepper Lane, who had gone to H.A.G.S the previous year. My choice was limited because if I remember rightly,there were some restrictions and I wasn't "in the area" to go to Wigan Grammar(?)I think this changed a few years later.

Comment by: Bob A on 27th August 2010 at 09:39

Ivor....7 years seems a long time to wait for a bus.....did you sleep in a cardboard box ?

Comment by: linda massa on 29th July 2013 at 14:37

If I had but a shilling for the times I caught that bus home to Standish.

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