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Market Hall, Indoors


Basket Stall Wigan market Hall
Basket Stall Wigan market Hall
Views: 2,938
Item #: 15507
A Basket and Dried Flower stall Wigan Market Hall, taken just prior to demolition.

Comment by: Bennie L on 10th August 2010 at 23:39

Good old days when you could take a picture in the market hall.
I was taking a snap in the new market recently when I was swooped on by a Shemonster stall holder from Hades who told me it was illegal to take pictures in there.
Oh for the days when such creatures didn't exist.

Comment by: margaret on 11th August 2010 at 18:36

i remember this stall very well. we use to call it the blind stall because the blind made the wicker baskets.oh to have the old market back with its smells and friendly stall holders.

Comment by: linma on 12th August 2010 at 15:48

I still use today some coat hangers with knitted covers that came from "the blind stall".

Comment by: irene roberts nee griffiths on 13th August 2010 at 12:28

I have a lovely old basket (though not from here) that I use every day for my shopping, and I often get comments on it.

Comment by: Joan Beckett(Wilding) on 13th August 2010 at 22:34

Oh how I wanted a cookery basket from this stall, sadly my mum couldn't afford one,

Comment by: linda pendlebury (massa) on 20th October 2010 at 16:04

Still use my cookery basket today (it's had a new handle fitted). One of the stallholders on Chorley market started selling baskets after seeing me keep walking past with mine and he did a roaring trade with the schoolgirls.

Comment by: Alex on 22nd September 2016 at 13:46

This was my Nan's Stall. Her name was Edith Walsh. We were in the corner opposite Forshaws toys. Next to us was a pet stall, then Hursts Records one way. The other way was a chiropodist and then Mrs Baileys pot stall right in the corner. We had a double stall with wool in one and baskets in the other. Nan also had a stall in the new market until she retired. I was very pleasantly surprised to see her on here.

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