Wigan Album
St Cuthbert's, Norley Hall
Photo: Tom Clancy
Item #: 13774
I am Sat down at front legs crossed on the right.on the left is Jimmy Ledwith.
Can you name the rest?
By gum Tommy you have looked after these photos,back row left,
next row,?? me Ganderton,???Sullivan,? Houghton.
hi,tommy ill try i may be wrong on a couple.2nd row top l to r ?arkwright ganderton ? turner ? sullivan ? houghton 3rd row from top ? maloney ??? wright ? atherton jones front row ?? blackledge ? blackledge. okay tommy.
Hi Tom, Have you got a sister Sheila by any chance
Hi Joan no,my sisters name was kathleen. Who sadly pased away Dec.2005.
Hi Jackie some more names i recall back second left D. Ashcroft third row L TO R Mick Moxham Tony Arkwright you ? Joe Turner Brian Berry Frank Sullivan Mike Winstanley second row first right Bernard Jones front row R to L Alice Blackledge ? Joyce Blackledge Mary Gavaghan third from left.
that`s my mum shirley bryan was murray, front rww third one in from the right.
wow,didnt know this photo excisted
That's my dear departed stepsister Kathleen Cooper second row from the front third from right