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St Mark's School, Newtown


Girls from St. Marks School
Girls from St. Marks School
Photo: Audrey Burgess( nee Wilcock)
Views: 4,947
Item #: 13758
Some girls from St Marks Newtown Early 1960's

Comment by: jm on 25th February 2010 at 09:15

Audrey looks like the Melling twins on the front row at each end

Comment by: Jean Smith ( Gaskell ) on 25th February 2010 at 15:07

Would that be Margaret Atherton on the left on the back row? Does anyone know the names of the other girls,some of them look familiar, i was at St Mark's 1959-1963.

Comment by: Nadine on 25th February 2010 at 21:18

The young lady on the front row 2nd in from the left looks like Audrey Gibson, she has a daughter Janet if I am correct.

Comment by: Eileen Todd(Haselden) on 28th February 2010 at 12:40

bk row 2nd right is Olwyn Holmes, Kathleen Thomlinson is at the end on the right. front row, Grace Reed is 3rd from the left on the front row

Comment by: Audrey Burgess nee Wilcock on 1st March 2010 at 16:11

from back L to R Margaret Atherton who played an excellent Malvolio in the school play,Olwyn Holmes who was my best friend!our lovely teacher,Sandra?,Kathleen Tomlinson.front row,Vera Melling,? ?,Grace Reid, Olive Melling twin to Vera.Not sure where we were but maybe on a day trip to London by train, no foreign holidays in those days but it was always sunny!

Comment by: Olive Mills (nee Melling) on 8th April 2016 at 18:46

The girl on left of back row is not Margaret Atherton - she is 2 years younger than us.

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