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scholes utd


scholes utd
scholes utd
Photo: chris piper
Views: 4,851
Item #: 13726
scholes utd i think around 83/84 looks like laithwaite park

Comment by: chris piper on 22nd February 2010 at 12:54

team is top ltor ray seddon,ray davies,bob disley,chris piper,dave holmes,jeff wills
bottom ltor ged jordan,? ste jordan,ste evans,steve platt graham coyle

Comment by: eddie7457 on 22nd February 2010 at 13:28

Thanks Chris, it is same photo I have but mine is the tatty newspaper clip, what a great bunch of lads. The date on my newspaper clipping is 12th March 1987, I don't know that lads name either Chris, maybe someone can help.

Comment by: Ste Jordan on 22nd February 2010 at 15:36

Aye up Chris and Graham!. I don't recognise the lad either but the game was against Castle Hill at Hindley. Was the pitch up Borsdane Avenue way? Can't remember seeing this photo before. Good bunch of lads, great memories

Comment by: eddie7457 on 22nd February 2010 at 16:41

Hi Jay, some good memories from the Scholes days, I was 29 on that photo, a few weeks before my 30th, I'll be double that in a few years. Many thanks to Chris Piper and Steve Platt for getting this photo on.

Comment by: eddie7457 on 22nd February 2010 at 18:11

Chris, take a look at the photo under this sports section of Goose Green Labour club. (Not Goose Green United). I'm on that one, seventeen years old then. A lot of my mates are on the Wigan youth photos. I played mostly for Lamberhead (no photos), and St Judes. Jay was a great rival of mine at Bridgewater when I was at Lamberhead, both decent teams, remember them days Jay? There should be more of these old footie photos on here.

Comment by: eddie7457 on 22nd February 2010 at 18:35

The text from the newspaper cutting read like this:

Division one side Scholes are this weeks featured club. They are currently lying half-way in the league table and are enjoying a fair season but are a little inconsistant. Secretary and manager is Bob Disley who occasionly comes out of retirement when the need arises. He is assisted by long serving Scholes player Ray Seddon. Home ground is St Catherines playing fields and HQ is the Flamingo public house. The playing staff includes the tough tackling Ray Davies, goalgetter Graham Coyle, Dave Holmes and the three Jordan brothers.

Comment by: davey on 22nd February 2010 at 19:56

I think this photo is on Laithwaite Park, St Marks ave in background.

Comment by: Ste Jordan on 22nd February 2010 at 22:46

Had some good, tough games against Lamberhead, I remember breaking my nose in one of the games!! Just seen the Goose Green Labour Club photo Graham, are you sure its you and not David Soul!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comment by: chris piper on 23rd February 2010 at 07:48

my oldest lad plays for scholes now, theyre doing quite well,near top of premier.I remember jay working on wholesale market at goose green when i worked on spud wagon,god thats about 100 years ago. Your right jay, think that is david soul, or his older brother.

Comment by: eddie7457 on 23rd February 2010 at 11:51

Jay, Chris, so you don't think I look like Fernando Torres then? David Soul, we are going back now!

Comment by: nadroJ on 26th February 2010 at 19:00

I seem to remember that guy being something to do with Bob Disley - think he was Bob's boss

Comment by: eddie7457 on 26th February 2010 at 20:43

We need help on this one, where's Bob and Ray when you need them?

Comment by: chris piper on 27th February 2010 at 07:02

I may call in Balc this weekend to see ray and ask him. Hes got this photo & many more.Will tell wife its for research.

Comment by: chris piper on 27th February 2010 at 07:50

Nadroj? is that you ged?

Comment by: nadroJ on 27th February 2010 at 13:16

It is Chris - how did you guess ?

Comment by: chris piper on 28th February 2010 at 12:23

Hello ged think your right about that lad i think he was bobs boss.

Comment by: bob disley on 24th June 2010 at 22:26

the lads name was paul anderton from warrington he was my boss at the time thats why he got picked ha

hope you lads are all ok fond memories good days i missed the reunion a few months ago let me know if you are having another

Comment by: bob disley on 14th July 2010 at 21:29

saw geoff wills the other day stilll looks the same

Comment by: chris piper on 4th August 2010 at 08:11

I remember their Malcs taped on glasses bob

Comment by: steven corcoran on 18th August 2013 at 10:20

hi corky ( steven Corcoran) ere great photo of lads of scholes, I had few years playing footy with scholes what great time

Comment by: chris piper on 30th August 2013 at 10:15

Oreet corky how you doin, are you still in oz, not seen you in ages

Comment by: steven corcoran on 9th December 2013 at 07:37

yep still living in brisbane coming to wigan in 2014 june for my son wedding we have to catch up with few of the old scholes lads

Comment by: Malc Mahoney on 16th January 2014 at 11:46

Hey up corky or is it gday and chris .when your over, if your avin a few drinks with some owed scholesers let us know ie willy rat, ray Davies,ray n bri seddon,d Holmes. Many more cheers

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